Cities and buildings of Tomorrow

3 big ways sustainable design will shape future cities

From - Tue, 16/05/2017 - 14:50

Cities are changing to keep pace with rapid population gains. With good design, the trend could be a positive for sustainability.

The World In 2050 [The Real Future Of Earth] - BBC Documentary 2017

From - Thu, 11/05/2017 - 17:44
Can you imagine our world in 2050? By mid-century there will likely be 9 billion people on the planet, consuming ever more resources and leading ever more technologically complex lives. What will our cities be like? How will we eat in the future of Earth? Will global warming trigger catastrophic changes, or will we be able to engineer our way out of the world climate crisis?

Le futur de Saint-Gobain

From - Thu, 20/04/2017 - 15:23

La première pierre du futur siège social de l’entreprise française a été posée le 19 avril à La Défense. Une tour à l’image du renouveau du quartier d’affaires.

Top 10 Future Cities of the world

From - Mon, 03/04/2017 - 14:09
Top 10 Future cities of the world :- With a drastic increase in population of the world and the space getting smaller and smaller – inventors, architects,

What's your vision for the future?

From - Thu, 30/03/2017 - 16:11

This year at EcoBuild, the UK Green Building Council tried something new: an interactive voting installation to get people thinking about the flipside of sustainability.


From - Mon, 27/03/2017 - 10:48

Hyperion, une incroyable résidence végétale bientôt construite en Inde

From - Tue, 21/03/2017 - 14:36
L'architecte français Vincent Callebaud et le spécialiste de l'écologie indien Amlankusum se sont lancés dans un projet novateur nommé Hyperion. Ils ont dévoilé les premiers plans de cette immense résidence éco-friendly qui sera située à Delhi

Will the world's next megacity come out of a 3D printer?

From - Fri, 17/03/2017 - 17:32

Imagine a world where huge cities could be created with the click of a button.

6 megatrends that will shape the future of cities

From - Wed, 15/03/2017 - 17:45

Experts at the recent Green Cities conferences in Sydney gazed into their crystal balls and identified six key trends that city leaders and building and real estate sectors cannot ignore if they want a sustainable and secure future.

Skyscraper Concepts: Towers of Tomorrow

From - Tue, 28/02/2017 - 12:51
We round up some of the most stunning futuristic skyscraper concepts being envisioned today that could change the urban skyline of tomorrow.

Un gratte-ciel pivotant verra le jour à Dubaï en 2020

From - Mon, 20/02/2017 - 17:52
360 nuances de classe pour cet immeuble écologique et futuriste.

China's big, beautiful, green 'vertical forests' will suck up toxic smog

From - Thu, 09/02/2017 - 08:56
The towers, planned for 2018, will feature more than 3,000 trees and plants.
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