An enterprising and innovative environment.

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What you

An environment that offers great freedom of action

The internal social network enables you to join one of our 8,600 communities and share your interest with anyone in the Saint-Gobain Group. And why not create your own community? 


70% of new hires consider the degree of autonomy in the company is consistent or higher than their initial expectations.

Knowledge at the forefront of technical progress

1 out of 4 Saint-Gobain products sold today was developed in the last five years.

Saint-Gobain is one of the TOP 100 Global Innovators for the sixth consecutive year.

Professional and personal fulfilment

Our Group offers the opportunity to develop an entrepreneurial project through the ‘Saint-Gobain Intrapreneurs’ initiative.

A company that fosters creativity

Saint-Gobain has already 4 fablabs to encourage and stimulate the creativity of our teams.

At Saint-Gobain, we know that failure is part of the game.
Laurent Guillot
Vice-President in charge of the High-Performance Materials Sector