Multi-Comfort Renovation

Encourage building renovation projects combining living comfort and environmental performance is the aim of the Saint-Gobain Multi-Comfort program.

Renovating with Saint-Gobain

Responsible commitment

Saint-Gobain is committing to sustainable renovation by adapting its Multi-Comfort program to the renovation segment in order to comply with energy performance, health, accessibility and acoustic comfort challenges along with environmental protection. 

To renovate sustainably is to reduce a building’s environmental impact for the remainder of its life cycle. This means using materials that have a low environmental impact and managing site waste intelligently. 

Comfort: the Multi-Comfort renovation challenge

The Multi-Comfort renovation program places the same value on comfort as its new construction equivalent. It complies with the program’s five areas of comfort: 

  • Thermal comfort: from heat loss to energy performance. To comply with environmental requirements, Saint-Gobain materials must reduce energy loss by improving insulation, using renewable energies and lessening the “cold wall” effect by installing efficient glazing.
  • Health comfort: live in a healthy house. The quality of two thirds of the air we breathe depends on the quality of the air in our homes. To ensure optimum comfort and to protect our health, Saint-Gobain is committed to improving indoor air quality. The use of active materials, insulation and efficient airtightness combined with effective ventilation will guarantee healthy air. 
  • Acoustic comfort: silence under control. Here, Saint-Gobain takes up the challenge of efficient acoustic insulation and correction. 
  • Modular comfort: accessibility for everyone. Buildings must take account of the long term and anticipate changing life cycles and styles. It must be accessible for everyone by taking into account all types of disabilities with a focus on access and user comfort. 
  • Visual comfort: recognition. The combination of Saint-Gobain solutions and maximizing the use of natural light improves visual comfort in homes. 

A new approach to renovation

Anticipate environmental requirements 

"The idea is to completely recreate a real living space with user comfort at the center of concerns and demonstrate that renovation in single and multi-unit dwellings is possible"

Maurice Manceau, Director Habitat France

Energy performance is at the heart of Saint-Gobain’s concerns. To take this a step further, the Group has now committed to the Multi-Comfort renovation market by adapting its single and multi-unit housing program. It has taken a stance on the sustainable renovation market by guaranteeing a response to current and future energy performance labels and making its five areas of comfort accessible to the greatest number of homeowners. 

Showcasing the Group’s commitment, Multi-Comfort renovation is the symbol of “responsible habitat.”

To renovate is to create healthy buildings 

Accessible renovation in Vienna (Austria). Glassolutions, Rigips, Weber and ISOVER renovated an apartment in Vienna for less than 10,000 euros based on the Multi-Comfort model.

By bringing all its solutions under the umbrella of its Multi-Confort program, Saint-Gobain is demonstrating clearly and tangibly that it is possible to significantly improve the performance of buildings using solutions that are simple to install and readily available on the market.

In this way, the program encourages the creation of more stringent building standards and the faster adoption of high value added solutions by all stakeholders in the building and public works industry.

Saint-Gobain renovates existing buildings using products and solutions the performance of which has been observed and measured under actual conditions. These buildings are testimony to Saint-Gobain’s unrivalled ability to optimize building stock renovation projects through its many known and trusted commercial brands.

The benefits of Multi-Comfort.