Corporate Slogans • CEO Message

Roland’s Corporate Slogans

- Inspire the Enjoyment of Creativity
- Be the BEST rather than the BIGGEST
- Cooperative Enthusiasm for all Stakeholders

The underlying spirit of Roland’s unique corporate activities is embodied in the three slogans above. The basic spirit has not changed since the company’s founding.

CEO Message

Jun-ichi Miki,CEO and Representative Director

Jun-ichi Miki

In this modern society where people demand spiritual enrichment, music has come to play an increasingly greater role.

The joy of creating an original musical work. The sense of fulfillment that you feel when playing an instrument. Having a good time while making music with your friends. Like these and many more, there are multiple ways of appreciating music. Our mission is to assist as many people as possible experience such enjoyment, and help each of you find unique ways of enjoying music.

To achieve this, we will first and foremost make greater efforts to develop even better musical instruments, while focusing on creating more opportunities and places where you can enjoy music making experience. Roland has a great history of innovations amassed in the field of electronic musical instruments.

Every time we opened a door, a new and future possibility of music was waiting for us.

That is all the more reason for us to commit ourselves to taking on new challenges in the future, by leveraging our prominent technology and global business presence. And above all, in order to continue as a company that can resonate with our customers, stakeholders, and music fans around the world, Roland will always make the best effort in every aspect of our business activities.