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50 Weird Fast-Food Menu Items You Can Only Get In Certain States

I still can't believe McDonald's has lobster rolls in some states.

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We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the craziest and best fast food that's offered in their state. Here are the insane and delicious results.

Note: Some of these menu items and restaurants are available in multiple states – these are just the fan-favorites.


9. Florida – Chicken Tender Sub from Publix

Everyone in Florida has a crazy obsession with Publix. There are actually social media pages dedicated to alerting people whenever these particular subs go on sale.

—Patricia Hamel, Facebook


12. Idaho – Chef Lou's Famous Idaho Ice Cream Potato from Westside Drive-In

I know it sounds nasty, but it’s really just a cleverly-shaped scoop of vanilla ice cream, rolled in cocoa, doused with chocolate syrup, and covered with whipped cream. Your eyes will say WTF, but your tastebuds will be happy.



16. Kansas – Kobe Burger and Duck Fat Fries from The Burger Stand


22. Michigan – Pepperoni & Cheese Potato from The Potato Place

You can get potatoes the size of your head there. Then you can choose from sooooo many different toppings, and they'll bake it to perfection.



24. Mississippi – Big One from Ward's


Ward's is a small chain in Mississippi, and their most iconic item is called "Big One," which is a burger that's topped with chili, onions, and mustard.



27. Nebraska – Yankee Burrito from Amigos

Twitter: @CollinPhelps

Amigos is a Mexican fast-food restaurant, combined with American options. The Yankee Burrito is a seasonal item, which is a hot dog and cheese, wrapped in a tortilla, and deep-fried!


30. New Jersey – Fat Sandwich from RU Hungry

It's absolutely insane. The fillings can include, but are not limited to, french fries, chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, cheesesteak meat, Italian sausage, marinara sauce, ranch dressing, and onion rings. I plan on eating one if I ever find out I have 24 hours left to live.



32. New York – The Garbage Plate from Nick Tahoe Hots

It is a beautiful edifice. Half the plate is home fries, and the other half is macaroni salad. Then top it with any meat you want, like a cheeseburger or a hot dog or a sausage, and then smother it in their special secret meat sauce. You then cover it in mustard and ketchup and then shove it down your face. It is a caloric carpet bomb and should not be missed.



36. Oklahoma – Theta Burgers from Johnnie's Charcoal Broiler

This isn't super crazy, but it is one of the best burgers ever. They come with barbecue sauce, bacon, cheddar cheese, and an insane amount of pickles.



39. Rhode Island – Pizza Strips from D. Palmieri's Bakery

It's pizza that's served at room temperature, minus the cheese but with tons of tomato sauce. The crust is delicious and thick. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.



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Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.
