The hunt Canada loves: Why seal clubbing will never die

Tristin Hopper 


It’s sealing season once again in Canada. This means that, once again, activists are out in strength to decry Canadians as baby-killers and, in some cases, ISIS. And on Tuesday, Canada’s strained relationship with India got just a bit worse when India banned the import of seal skins (although, for obvious reasons, they were never a major seal skin market).  

Below, a quick guide to the one of the world’s most embattled hunts. What’s true, what’s a myth and why Canadians will never, ever stop doing this.

‘Subsistence’ exemptions for Inuit are meaningless
Whether it’s the European Union or the International Fund for Animal Welfare, seal hunting opponents usually have a common mantra: They want to shut down the “commercial” hunt while preserving “subsistence” sealing for Inuit hunters. However, Inuit aren’t just eating seal, they also depend heavily on seal pelt sales and are hit hardest by bans and boycotts. “They’re still picturing little Eskimos in igloos with no need for money,” filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril said of seal hunting opponents in her pro-seal hunting documentary Angry Inuk. In 1983, the European Union banned the importation of seal pup products. Although Inuit did not hunt the products mentioned — and were even included in a special exemption — the ban nevertheless prompted a worldwide collapse in demand for seal products. Overnight, Arctic seal hunting revenues plummeted, nomadic hunters were forced to settle into fixed communities and the region’s already-high suicide rates became among the worst on the planet. “It was our Great Depression,” said Arnaquq-Baril. It also made the word “Greenpeace” a virtual swear word anywhere above the treeline.

… but most seals harvested in Canada still come from Newfoundland and Labrador
Inuit correctly note that most of the world’s seal hunters are Inuk. But when it comes to sheer quantity of hunted seals, however, most of those are still coming out of Newfoundland and Labrador. Exact numbers are difficult to come by for the all-year Arctic hunt, but the Nunavut territorial government estimates that its hunters take 35,000 seals per year. In 2016, the Atlantic hunt took about 70,000 harp and grey seals, and as recently as 2006 that number has been as high as 355,000.

Nobody is killing those adorable white baby seals
This is, bar none, the most persistent and widespread myth about the Canadian seal hunt. Every year, anti-seal hunt literature is almost guaranteed to include images of white-coated infant harp seals. This is despite the fact that Canada has banned the killing of white-coated seals since 1987, and that the Inuit never killed white coats. Even if organizations don’t trade in images of white seals, they will still lean heavily on the term “baby seals.” “Each spring, the Canadian government authorizes fishermen to club or shoot to death hundreds of thousands of baby seals for their fur,” writes the Humane Society of the United States. This is a reference to the fact that the vast majority of harp seals killed are between one and 3.5 months old. However, some context might be in order. Those rotisserie chickens at the grocery store were likely alive for only 40 days. The average pack of bacon comes from a pig that was only on earth for four months.

It’s more humane than most opponents think
A persistent image in anti-seal hunt videos is of a sealer running across an ice floe to repeatedly club a prone seal with a hakapik. A running, club-wielding hunter looks more craven, which is probably why the image is an anti-sealing favourite. But what’s being captured is a hunter diligently carrying out a humane practice called the “three step” process. Step one is “stunning,” when the seal is usually hit with a bullet to the head. Steps two and three then involve ensuring that the animal is dead by crushing its skull and severing key arteries. A running hunter is generally a good thing: In cases where a seal isn’t killed instantly, some urgency is reasonable to ensure that the animal’s suffering is ended quickly. A 2002 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association report reviewed seal killing techniques on the Atlantic Coast and determined that if a seal wasn’t killed by the initial bullet, they stayed alive for an average of 45.2 seconds before being finished off. The paper considered this humane, but noted “no interval between an animal being shot and losing consciousness will ever be acceptable to some people.” In fact, seal protesters have even taken to citing the mandatory clubbing of seal skulls as more evidence of the hunt’s cruelty. 

It used to be much worse
Humane practices have improved markedly since global opposition first ramped up in the 1970s. Nets are no longer used to drown seals, hunters are barred from entering breeding areas and licensing processes have prevented the hunt from being flooded with inexperienced amateurs. These days, no Atlantic Coast sealer takes to the water without first attending mandatory workshops on humane practices. However, humane reforms have had little effect on the resolve of activists to ban commercial sealing outright. Proposals for a more regulated hunt were notably rejected with the European Union’s 2009 blanket ban on seal products.

Canadians aren’t wiping out the seals
Another persistent myth is the notion that Canadians are somehow wiping seals off the planet. According to one leaflet from Humane Society International, Canada’s “seal slaughter” is “not sustainable.” But Canadian seals are doing absolutely fine. Harp seals form the majority of the Atlantic hunt, and in 2012, the Canadian government estimated there were 7.7 million of them on the Atlantic coast. Harp seal populations did hit historic lows in the mid-20th century, dropping as low as 1.5 million in 1978. But they’ve now rebounded so successfully that their populations are almost as large as they were when much of Canada was still New France. For context, in 2016 there were 3.38 million beef cows in Alberta. In Toronto, the total raccoon population has been estimated at about 100,000.

Seals aren’t wiping out the cod (probably)
And now it’s time for a misconception from the pro-sealing camp. Harp seal populations have exploded since the 1992 cod moratorium, leading to a persistent notion that hungry seals are delaying the return of the cod fishery, and that sealing is a righteous cull of a competitor. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, meanwhile, has consistently pooh-poohed the idea, noting that harp seals don’t eat a lot of cod — and that cod stocks have been rebounding in tandem with the harp seal recovery. “We often find that seals are blamed for a lot of things,” DFO scientist John Brattey told CBC last month. However, there is a 2012 study from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography endorsing the notion that grey seals actually could be eating significant quantities of cod. Nevertheless, the animals form a very small proportion of the annual seal hunt, which remains mostly harp.

Carcasses are wasted
Activists didn’t manufacture images of ice floes piled with skinned seals. At least on the Atlantic Coast, a byproduct of the seal hunt is that thousands of pounds of seal meat, seal bones and seal organs will end up tossed into the ocean. Newfoundlanders do eat seal; seal flipper pie is a local favourite. But there’s simply no market to absorb the meat from 70,000 seals per year. Both in the Arctic and the Atlantic there are also “struck and lost” seals: Seals that are killed but sink to the bottom before they can be collected. One 2000 study from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans found that between two and 10 per cent of young seals were killed without being collected. The rates were markedly higher when it came to older seals that were shot in open water. Among seals one year or older, up to 50 per cent sunk after being hit. As animal products go, though, seal hunting doesn’t have a monopoly on waste. In 2014, Fraser Valley poultry farms were forced to slaughter and compost 140,000 chickens and turkeys due to an outbreak of avian flu. Meanwhile, most processed fish products come from pollock, a fishery that has accidentally caught (and wasted) up to 122,000 Chinook salmon in peak years.

… and not every seal dies instantly
Be they Inuit or Newfoundlander, hunters miss. Although the most humane way to dispatch a seal is with a kill shot to the head, keep in mind that hunters are generally taking aim from a boat. Flubbed shots, combined with negligent checks into whether a seal is dead, means that animals are occasionally still alive when they’re brought aboard sealing boats. The aforementioned report commissioned by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association concluded that between 0.8 and 1.9 per cent of seals were still showing signs of life after being hooked aboard. “This small proportion of animals that are not killed efficiently justifies continued attention to this industry’s activities,” wrote the report. As the European Union’s own food safety authority concluded in a 2007 report, suffering in the Canadian seal hunt could be “largely avoided” if hunters simply took greater care to ensure that a seal’s skull was crushed before they were hooked and skinned.

It doesn’t get more free range and organic than a Canadian seal
“In places where (anti-seal activists) live, in Southern Canada and America, they torture animals, they eat tortured animals every day,” says a young Inuk in the film Angry Inuk. And she has a point. In terms of net suffering, seal hunting would have a very hard time competing with the worst excesses of animal husbandry. Canadian sow farms have been found confining pregnant pigs in tiny, darkened cages. Canadian chicken farms have been documented employing workers known to tear animals apart for fun. These may be disturbing anomalies, but it’s notable that they draw distinctly different reactions from the public. When an undercover Mercy for Animals investigation revealed horrific abuse at a major B.C. dairy farm, it spawned criminal prosecutions against those responsible — rather than a worldwide celebrity-driven campaign to ban Canadian milk. Also, while farmed Canadian meat can be fatal if not cooked to minimum temperatures, seal meat is so clean that Inuit children routinely eat it raw.

Canada really, really likes hunting seals
While it would be possible to replace sealing revenue with a negligible outlay of the federal budget, defenders often aren’t standing up for the economics of seal so much as a way of life. In a Canada where Indigenous communities have suffered greatly by losing touch with traditional ways of making a living, Inuit are determined to hang on to one of their oldest links to the land. “When I see sealskin, I see an ethical and sustainable economy that feeds people,” said Arnaquq-Baril in Angry Inuk. The same is true in Newfoundland and Labrador, where sealers often come from communities decimated by fishing closures and economic exodus to Alberta. It’s why, in Ottawa, seal hunting is one of the few issues on which virtually every politician can safely agree. Seal is served in the Parliament Hill cafeteria. At least one governor general has eaten raw seal heart. And when parliament discussed the creation of a National Seal Products Day last April, virtually the entire chamber, regardless of region or party, united in its love of all things seal. “We believe in seal hunting because, since the dawn of time, all human communities have used the natural resources available to them for sustenance, survival, and development,” said Alexandre Boulerice, an NDP MP who represents a riding in the notably seal-free Montreal.

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