Is it possible to get separate coverage reports for front-end and back-end tests for a single repository?

It seems one possible way is to concatenate the lcov reports into one and then ship to coveralls, as mentioned in this question.

However, I wanted to know if there is a way to see separate code coverage reports for front-end and back-end or provide two lcov files to coveralls. If so, how?

  • 3
    I have a C++-based library project with two "environment variables" defined in its .travis.yml file -- REAL_TYPE=float and REAL_TYPE=double -- and it generates coverage reports for each of these variables. From Coveralls, I can see the breakdown of coverage change for each of these. Would that be what you mean by multiple coverage reports? Could you use two environment variables also like one that's for your front end, and another for the back end, and get the result you're looking for? – Louis Langholtz Dec 11 '17 at 17:43

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