If I have an EnumeratorT and a corresponding IterateeT I can run them together:

val en: EnumeratorT[String, Task] = EnumeratorT.enumList(List("a", "b", "c"))
val it: IterateeT[String, Task, Int] = IterateeT.length

(it &= en).run : Task[Int]

If the enumerator monad is "bigger" than the iteratee monad, I can use up or, more generally, Hoist to "lift" the iteratee to match:

val en: EnumeratorT[String, Task] = ...
val it: IterateeT[String, Id, Int] = ...

val liftedIt = IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[String].hoist(
  implicitly[Task |>=| Id]).apply(it)
(liftedIt &= en).run: Task[Int]

But what do I do when the iteratee monad is "bigger" than the enumerator monad?

val en: EnumeratorT[String, Id] = ...
val it: IterateeT[String, Task, Int] = ...

it &= ???

There doesn't seem to be a Hoist instance for EnumeratorT, nor any obvious "lift" method.

This question has an open bounty worth +50 reputation from Ronnie Oosting ending in 15 hours.

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  • 24
    +1 for a neat question, but off the top I'm not sure of my head that this is possible in the general case, since an Enumerator is really just a wrapper around a StepT => IterateeT, which suggests that you'll need to "step down" from a StepT[E, BigMonad, A]. – Travis Brown Nov 13 '14 at 21:06
  • 3
    Yeah, I found that when I tried to implement it directly. But logically an Enumerator is just an effectful source, right? It feels like I should be able to use a thing that can supply A to supply Task[A]. – lmm Nov 13 '14 at 23:38

protected by Suraj Rao Feb 3 at 10:22

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