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This question already has an answer here:

I have pushed two branches with same name but in different case one is in lowercase and other one is in upper case. I want to delete lowercase branch at remote. How can I do this?



I want to delete release-test-abc at remote repository.

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marked as duplicate by Tim Castelijns, Mogsdad, Kyll, Yvette Colomb, Tunaki May 26 at 20:28

This question was marked as an exact duplicate of an existing question.

git is not case sensitive - just go ahead. – Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen May 25 at 11:54
i am worried about uppercase branch .. it should not get deleted at remote – Jitendra May 25 at 12:02
git is case sensitive - just go ahead. – Ian Miller May 25 at 12:07
check it (…) this will help you! – CodeMaker May 25 at 12:13

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