I use IDialogCoordinator on ViewModel and everything works fine.

But if in viewmodel i have instance of other class, it doesn't work. I try to pass dialogCoordinator in constructor, but I've got a message "Context is not registered".

How to achieve that?


public viewModel
  private IDialogCoordinator dialogCoordinator;
  public ICommand SyncCommand { get { return new RelayCommand(SyncCommand_ExecutedAsync); } }  

  public viewModel(IDialogCoordinator _coordinator)
    coordinator = _coordinator;

  private void SyncCommand_ExecutedAsync()
        var sync = new IndexUpdater(dialogCoordinator);
        var b = sync.Start().Result;


public IndexUpdater(IDialogCoordinator _dialogCoordinator)
        dialogCoordinator = _dialogCoordinator;

public async Task<bool> Start(bool reset = false)
        var output = true;

        ProgressDialogController controller = await dialogCoordinator.ShowProgressAsync(this, "HEADER", "MESSAGE", true, new MetroDialogSettings { NegativeButtonText = "Close" });
         controller.Minimum = 0;
        controller.Maximum = 100;

        for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
            if (controller.IsCanceled)
                output = false;


            controller.SetProgress(x + 1);
            controller.SetMessage("x = " + x);

        await controller.CloseAsync();
        return output;

In this case I got Exception: "InvalidOperationException: Context is not registered. Consider using DialogParticipation.Register in XAML to bind in the DataContext."

If I put ProgressDialogController directly in viewModel.SyncCommand_ExecutedAsync() method, then it works.

How to Register IndexUpdater class or how to pass dialogCoordinator there?

Thanks in Advance

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