I am trying to get the bot_id value for a bot when it has no conversation history.

According to the documentation:

the bot_id fields appear in bot_message message event subtypes and in the response of methods like conversations.history.

This makes sense and works.

But is it possible to get this bot_id value, when a bot has no conversation history?

For example, say the channel between Slackbot and my bot has no conversation history. The response of a conversations.history request to this channel is the following, which does not include the bot_id value.

{ "ok": true, "channel": { "id": "DC6N8Q1BK", "created": 1534129098, "is_im": true, "is_org_shared": false, "user": "USLACKBOT", "last_read": "0000000000.000000", "latest": null, "unread_count": 0, "unread_count_display": 0, "is_open": true, "priority": 0 } }

Any other way to get the bot_id value?

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