Why an analytics strategy today can give your company an edge tomorrow
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Why an analytics strategy today can give your company an edge tomorrow

Conquering today’s challenges

Customers engage with companies on more channels and devices than ever, which can pose challenges for marketers. But brands can still deliver personalized, relevant experiences to their customers. Google executive Matt Lawson and Boston University scholar Shuba Srinivasan share their experience and reveal how an analytics strategy can give businesses the advantage they need to stay competitive.

A digital foundation for the future

Marketers need a fully-integrated analytics strategy to match their messaging to today’s complex customer journeys. Research shows that leading marketers using digital information are 50% more likely than mainstream marketers to have a clear understanding of customer journeys at every touchpoint. In this report, you’ll learn how those leaders optimize digital information by breaking down organizational silos and reorienting their marketing and advertising approaches. When companies integrate their marketing and advertising technology stack, teams are enabled to identify customer segments and deliver more personalized experiences. The report also shows how a holistic approach — including obtaining executive buy-in, promoting cross-functional collaboration, and an instilling an insights-driven culture of learning — is key to success.

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