Put your audience at the heart of your marketing

The more you know about your people, the smarter you can be with your campaigns. Our Marketing CRM tools help you turn audience data into insights that guide your campaigns—every step of the way.

A number of human-like characters gather around a fountain, literally at the intersection of paths. It's very on the nose.

Know your people

We’re big believers in putting customers front and center. That’s why we’ve built tools to make it easy to get to know your audience (as a whole and as individuals), so you can shape campaigns around your people from start to finish.

A man carries various objects that seem to relate to one another. They might represent segments and tags, but who can say?

Marketing CRM tools

Put your customers at the center of everything you do.

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A man, a woman and an excessively friendly-looking cat

Audience dashboard

Spot patterns in your contact data and use those insights to kick off campaigns.

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A smaller person is using a larger person's eyeball as a telescope. It sounds gross, but it's actually pretty nicely done.

Contact profiles

Discover the people behind your data with in-depth, individual profiles.

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Connect all the dots for more actionable data

We’ll help you keep track of everything you know about everyone you know—so you can confidently act on data in your marketing.

A hand paints a signup form on an easel. Of all the possible things to paint, this person has chosen a signup form. They must really understand and appreciate the value that it brings to growing their audience. Or maybe they just didn't have a bowl of fruit lying around.

Signup forms

Use embedded or pop-up forms to collect all the details you need from contacts.

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A sun with some mighty ruddy cheeks. A tag hangs from one of its pointy parts.


Use tags and custom fields to label and organize contacts however you need to.

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Illustration of two people with their hair braided together


Connect all your favorite tools to get a single view of your customer data.

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A woman cradles a slice of orange in her arms, while a human-sized orange looms behind her, but not in an ominous way.

Pre-built segments

We’ll create actionable segments within your data for you—just click and go.

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Predicted demographics

We predict your audience's demographics. You send them personalized marketing.

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A cat wearing boots standing in a box

Predictive e-commerce insights

We’ll help you predict future buying behavior so you can drive more sales.

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Build relationships, old and new

Use audience data to send targeted marketing to everyone who loves your brand—and find new people who are likely to become your next big fans.

A person pouring from a jug into multiple cups


Easily filter your audience data to find exactly who you want to talk to.

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Send the right message to the right people at the right moment—automatically.

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A person pointing to a circle while it transitions into a triangle

Behavioral targeting

Trigger relevant messages based on your contacts’ actions.

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Illustration of two people shaking hands on top of two heads


Add a personal touch to make your marketing feel like a 1-on-1 conversation.

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Illustration of two turkeys

Lookalike audience finder

Find new people who are likely to love your brand, based on existing contacts.

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“Ultimately, it’s getting to know our customer. Mailchimp’s tools and platform allow us to get closer and understand what they want.”

Michael Ripps, Co-Owner Jittery Joe's

See how they do it