
Job: US Investigations Editor

Seeking: A highly experienced US-based investigative journalist, to lead our project tracking the backlash against women’s and LGBTIQ rights. Extended Deadline: Friday 15 May 2020.

Claire Provost author pic
Claire Provost
26 March 2020
Women's March in Washington D.C. in 19 January 2019
Liu Jie/Xinhua News Agency/PA Images

openDemocracy is a global non-profit media outlet. Our investigative journalism has triggered law change, criminal investigations and action by regulators, policymakers and public health bodies across the world. Our stories frequently get picked up by agenda-setting media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, al Jazeera, the BBC, Guardian, New Yorker and Vanity Fair. Last year we were reported or syndicated in more than 60 outlets across 20 languages.

We are now seeking an experienced and accomplished investigative journalist to lead the US expansion for our growing global Tracking the Backlash project.

You will have a strong investigative track record and will be highly motivated to work on stories which focus on women’s and LGBTIQ rights and equality. You will be excited to work on joint projects with colleagues, freelancers, and trainee fellows in the US, and you will also collaborate on cross-border projects following the money, networks, strategies and impacts of the global opposition to rights and equality.

Our Tracking the Backlash team produces stories that make a difference to women and LGBTIQ people around the world. Over the last year we’ve published multi-part investigations into Christian conservative support for the far right in Europe (including through unregulated ‘Super-PACs’), and a major series on how vulnerable pregnant women globally are being targeted with misinformation about their health and rights.

We’re looking for a curious and collaborative investigative journalist who shares our commitment to high journalistic standards and rigor; who is excited to share their knowledge and experience with others; and who is keen to support younger women and LGBTIQ reporters to develop their investigative techniques.

You should have at least seven years of newsroom experience, with a track record of producing original and revelatory investigations that create change. You’ll have proven experience with skills including data journalism, analysing financial accounts and undercover reporting. Ideally, you’ll be familiar with the specific issues we focus on. However, if you have comparable experience, you may still apply.

A key goal of the Tracking the Backlash project is to build a more inclusive international media ecosystem. We strongly encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply for this position, including women, people of color, LGBTIQ people, working-class people and people with disabilities.

This job is full-time and includes a salary and benefits competitive with other independent nonprofit news organisations. It is a remote-working position and you may be based anywhere in the US.

To apply:

Please review the details of this opportunity and submit your application online by Friday 15 May 2020 at Midnight (11.59pm) GMT , including a résumé; up to three samples of your previous work; and a personalized cover letter telling us why this is the project and job for you and what is the first investigative lead you’d want to pursue (and why). Please also state your salary expectations.

Questions? Send them to [email protected].

Sign up for our next live discussion

Why is COVID-19 making Britain more unequal?

Tenants falling behind on rent. Migrants unable to claim benefits. Families already in debt. Low-paid workers facing pay cuts or job losses.

The UK government has promised help for some – but millions more still have little or safety net.

Coronavirus has exposed the inadequacy of the UK benefits system, with the most vulnerable hit hardest by the pandemic.

What can we do to avoid stop-gap solutions and protect people from poverty, both now and in the future?

Join us on Thursday 7 May at 5pm BST/6pm CET.

Hear from:

Caroline Molloy Editor of openDemocracyUK

Sarah Arnold Senior Economist, New Economics Foundation

Kate Belgrave journalist and author of a forthcoming book on the UK benefits system

Chair: Mary Fitzgerald Editor-in-Chief, openDemocracy


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