Moving Out Trophy Guide •


Stage 1: Play Through the Game

First off: have fun! From the throwback 1980's tone to the silly character interactions to the over-the-top plot, this game is designed to be ridiculous. You'll start the game by completing the tutorial, and from there just play through each story level and get comfortable with the game play. If you've played Overcooked or its sequel, then you'll be familiar with this style of cooperate-or-die gameplay. The physics can be wonky at times, but the level designs are just as tight and balanced as Overcooked.

Note that the difficulty and playthrough hours are set based on using Assist Mode. Assist Mode makes the game significantly easier by giving you more time to finish a level, making items lighter, and reducing challenges on the map. To put it into perspective, if you play through this game with a partner without using Assist Mode, some of these levels can be downright rough. If you play this without Assist Mode, the difficulty easily doubles to a 6 with around a 20-hour completion time.

There are 30 story levels, 10 memory levels, and 10 arcade levels. Each story level has medals to earn for beating them within a certain time: Bronze, Silver, or Gold. If you don't beat the level within the time limit, it fails, but you can try again. Turning on Assist Mode will give you more time to earn Gold Medals. You also have more time to get Gold the more players you use; however, there will be more items to deliver throughout the level to counterbalance.

Memory levels are unlocked as you complete bonus objectives, and arcade levels are unlocked as you earn gold medals. You'll be notified with a pop-up each time you unlock a new memory or arcade level, so you can either play them as you go or save them up and play them all at once. Playing the levels as you unlock them is recommended, as most memory and arcade levels will help you gain experience in playing the game to help make the later levels less difficult.

During your initial story playthrough, you should be mindful to stand on every toilet, slap every mailbox, deliver every pet, and deliver all hidden consoles so you can earn Gold Where we're going we don't need thrones, Bronze Rain, hail, or shine., Bronze Animal Lover, and Silver That's Not Landfill!. Also, do not slap ghosts during your first playthrough of The AAAAAH-tari Office, Dread Manor, and Roundabout Mansion so that you can unlock the Gold The Friendly Ghosts trophy.

Thanks to the Stevivor guide here for assistance with some of the trickier objectives.
Complete all Story levels.
Complete all Arcade levels
Complete 10 story levels with Gold medals
Complete "The Chase"
Defeat the Rat King
Sit on every toilet in the game
Complete all memory levels
Smash 100 windows
Get a Gold Medal in one level
Complete all bonus objectives in one level
Slap every mailbox in the story levels
Throw 500 items
Beat a level in story mode with under 5 seconds left on the clock
Beat a level in under a minute
Deliver 1337 items
Complete all haunted levels without slapping any ghosts
Shoot a basketball hoop
Deliver the hidden console from each story level
Deliver every pet
Complete Mandatory Training
Smash the hidden letterbox with the truck

Stage 2: Clean-up

If you haven't already, now is the time to earn all of the Gold Medals and bonus objectives so that you can earn 111%. Also, pick an easy level to run the clock down so that you can deliver the final item with less than five seconds left and unlock Bronze Nick of Time. If you haven't been run over by 125 cars, replay Packmore River or VRogger so you can unlock Bronze Look left, then right.
Unlock all of the Trophies
Achieve 111% in the game
Complete all level objectives in every level
Complete all levels with Gold medals
Complete 20 story levels with Gold medals
Beat a level in story mode with under 5 seconds left on the clock
Get run over by 125 cars

Tips & Strategies

  • Enabling Assist Mode will not disable trophies, but it will drastically reduce the challenge of the game. If you're looking to blow through this solo simply for the platinum, enabling Assist Mode will made this a breeze. There are still a few tricky objectives, but you should be able to finish this within an evening. Assist Mode will also make the game more accessible for people in your household that aren't skilled at games, like little kids or significant others. My partner isn't really into video games, but we had a blast playing this together.
  • While this game is completely do-able solo, it's significantly more fun with a friend. That said, there is no online co-op. Also, only the player that initially booted the game will earn trophies. You can use Shared Play to play with a friend together online, but only the person that booted the game will earn trophies. 
  • If you're playing with a friend, you will likely get frustrated at them playing this game and vice versa. This game is very fun, but some of the more challenging objectives may require that you take a break and do something else to cool off. It's not worth getting into a fight with your partner / roommate / best friend over - trust me!
  • If you're having a hard time with an arcade level or hitting a Gold Medal, try different grip combinations on items. For example, it's natural to grab one end of the sofa while your friend grabs another. This may be how we carry furniture in the real world, but this is a video game, baby! You can both grab the same end of the couch and drag it to move with more precision and speed. There are also some instances where you may be too wide carrying something one way, so try grabbing the item in another way and see if that works.
  • There are many level where throwing items across obstacles is faster than carrying them. Also, it's almost always faster to throw two-person items onto the truck so you're not having to Tetris heavy items around. Also, one of the Assist Mode options is to have delivered items disappear once they hit the truck, so you simply have to drag an item to the delivery zone to have it count. Note that the hidden console will always stay in the truck since its not an item required to finish the level.
Master Mover
Unlock all of the Trophies
111% Effort
Achieve 111% in the game
Achieving 111% in the game requires that you earn Gold Medals in all 30 stages, do all 90 objectives, complete the memory levels, and finish the arcade stages.

This unlocks once you complete Gold Masters in Moving, Gold Objectives Complete!, Silver Remember the Time, and Gold Winners Don't Move Rugs.
Certified F.A.R.T
Complete all Story levels.
There are 30 story levels to complete, so this trophy is earned once you get at least a bronze medal in all of them.

See Gold Masters in Moving for tips on each level.
Winners Don't Move Rugs
Complete all Arcade levels
The Arcade levels unlock as you complete bonus objectives in the story. These levels don't have medal requirements, but rather a short time limit. Below is a brief rundown of what to expect from each level.

Tight Rope
  • The Arcade starts off with a rough one to get your feet wet. You'll have to carry a couch across narrow pathways that will eventually start moving back and forth. This is a great level to practice your teamwork skills when playing co-op, so take advantage of its hard lessons to hone your ability! Here's a tip: try to drop the couch down from the higher platform to the lower one instead of having to take it down the narrow corridor. It'll save you a lot of time and headache.

Fan Service
  • This level is a breeze compared to Tight Rope. Simply carry the couch across the gaps by staying afloat with the fan gusts. Try to aim for the center and stay there for a few seconds to maximize your height.

Spin or Alive
  • You'll have to move the couch across slowly spinning platforms that will eventually have fire traps. There are checkpoints at each section, so if you mess up you won't have to start at the beginning.

Rolling Start
  • This is another tough level. You'll have to walk the couch across rolling platforms covered in spikes, so you'll have to be very coordinated (both solo or co-op with a partner) in order to get these across. Thankfully, this also has checkpoints after each section.

Trick Shot
  • You'll have to throw items across the fans to get them into the delivery zone.

Topsy Turvy
  • You'll have to move the couch very quickly past increasingly more difficult fire jets. The only advice here is to watch the timing of the fire jets so you know when to run and when to stop. This level will really test your communication skills if you're playing with co-op.

  • You'll have to navigate through endless traffic, which isn't as scary as it sounds. Watch the cars to see the pattern and take advantage of the opening. Toward the end, you'll have to go backward to keep the flow of traffic, so don't worry if you feel like you're not making progress, because you totally are!

V vs. R
  • This level will require serious teamwork if playing co-op, as you'll have to move the couch sideways across narrow platforms with small sections that move back and forth. You might have an easier time playing this one alone since you can control the couch's movement, but it's fun to try and coordinate this with a partner.

  • This level isn't as daunting as it seems in the preview. It's very similar to Spin or Alive, except there are spinning spikes that you have to stay in between. Just go slow and watch the spinning patterns so you know when to make your move.

  • They definitely saved the hardest for last, as this stage was very tricky. You have to navigate past saw blades that spin up and down a track. Thankfully there's a checkpoint between each section, because there is a lot of trial and error. You'll have to memorize the paths of the saws so you know exactly when you make a break for it. This is especially true of the second-to-last section where you have to make a beeline down a full path of spinning saw blades.
Objectives Complete!
Complete all level objectives in every level
Each level has three bonus objectives to complete, but these objectives aren't revealed until you complete the level with at least a bronze medal. You can still earn the objectives the first time you play, though, if you look them up beforehand or manage to do one by happenstance. Some objectives are extremely vague and would require a lot of experimentation to figure out, so here's a list of each objective an how to complete it.

Holly’s Home
  • Break the windows 
    • You can break windows by either running into them or throwing an item through.
  • Don't break any windows
    • This will require a second playthrough, as you cannot break any of the windows. It's recommended that you deliver the refrigerator first, as there's a chance that you'll break the window behind it just by grabbing it. Just be very careful not to walk anywhere close to a window with an item in your hand.
  • Bring the flamingos
    • Grab the pink flamingos in the yard and huck 'em in the truck.

Pepperoni Palace
  • Goal!
    • Knock the soccer ball into the net in the backyard.
  • Deliver the turtle
    • A turtle will be running around the level, so make sure he's loaded onto the truck before you deliver your last item. You might want to turn off the Assist Mode modifier that makes items vanish when they enter the truck's delivery zone so that you stack items on one side of the truck and make a pen so the turtle won't escape. This turtle is required to earn Bronze Animal Lover. Cowabunga, dudes!
  • Don’t break the vase
    • This can be tricky, as there's a couch you'll have to move adjacent to the vase in the living room. Just give it a wide berth and avoid the back door. Also, the turtle can run into the vase and break it if you're not careful, so you might want to grab it first and pen it into the truck.

The Hoop House
  • Shoot some hoops
    • Grab the b-ball and sink a basket.
  • Pets stay outside!
    • When you grab the box out from in front of the dog house, you'll set free a chicken. If you're playing co-op, have one player grab the box and another player immediately grab the chicken. If you're playing solo, try to be fast to grab the chicken once it's free. Take the chicken around the side yard to avoid taking it through the house. Just like with Pepperoni Palace, you should turn off the vanishing items Assist Mode modifier so you can pen the chicken into the truck.
  • Don’t break any windows
    • Just like with Holly's Home, give windows a wide distance and you should be fine.

Poolside Pad
  • Don’t hold a box for more than 3 seconds
    • This only applies to boxes, not other items. Just count to two each time you pick up a box, drop/throw it, then repeat until it's in the truck. Note that this applies to the fragile boxes, but you cannot throw them unless someone else can catch them. 
  • Keep everything dry
    • This one is trickier than it sounds, as there's a fountain on the right side of the pool that will get items wet if you attempt to throw them across. Just make sure nothing falls into the pool, and any items thrown across the pool are done so from the left side away from the fountain.
  • Jump over the pool 
    • This can be done solo by pushing one of the deckchairs out over the pool and using it to give you a little extra lift to jump over the pool. It may take a few tries to get it right, but keep at it.

Jerry’s Apartment
  • Don’t break any glass
    • This is one of the easier "don't break the glass" objectives, because there are only a few large windows that are easy to steer clear of.
  • Don’t break any objects
    • There are several breakable boxes throughout the level, so just be careful not to drop them or knock them down before they make it into the truck.
  • Give a bird a bath 
    • Grab a lawn flamingo and toss it into the bathtub!

Casa de Cliff
  • Who let the goose out? 
    • Slap the mailbox and the goose will come running out from the red door. The goose counts as a pet, so be sure to get him onto the truck before you deliver the last item so it counts toward Bronze Animal Lover.
  • No stairs for you! 
    • You can't step on any part of the staircase, including the deck. Right next to the red door on the right, there are gray boxes you can jump on to get into the room with the red convertible. Get close to the car and it'll fall out the window, allowing you to jump on it to more easily make it to the house. This objective is made easier if you throw everything you can out of the window.
  • Break the windows
    • You'll probably smash all the windows while avoiding the stairs, but if not then just smash every pane of glass you see!

Summer Chalet
  • No stair run
    • For this you'll have to quickly jump up the snowy slopes and avoid the staircase. 
  • Go snowboarding
    • Slide down the snowy slope carrying the snowboard and this should unlock.
  • Avoid the snow
    • You can't touch the snow anywhere on the ground, so steer clear of the slopes and be careful of the snow patches on your delivery route.

21 Slick Street
  • Don’t get hit by a car
    • Cars will go by on the road throughout the level, so be mindful of the timing to avoid traffic.
  • Mess up the trophies
    • There's a shelf of trophies on the second floor that you can knock down.
  • Don’t get oily
    • There's oil all throughout the level, so it might be difficult to get this one along with "don't get hit by a car." If you're going to throw items out of the window, make sure they don't land in the oil. Also, be careful with the sheep because he will sometimes run into the big oil slick at the bottom of the level and not leave. Because of this, you'll want to grab the sheep and pen it in the truck so it doesn't escape.

Snottsberry Farm
  • Disturb the nests
    • You'll have to run over the chicken nests knock the eggs out. There are eight nests in all, but if you're trying to avoid rakes at the same time then be mindful of the rake hidden in the middle chicken pen.
  • Avoid the rakes
    • This one is tricky, because there is a rake very close to the truck, as well as another rake very close to the cow. Try to get the animals out of the area with the cow first. Note that only stepping on the metal part of the rake will cause it to smack you, so you can walk through the wooden handle safely.
  • Make some pen pals
    • You'll have to move every animal on the farm to the big pen on the right (the one with the pig in it). It's best if you did a run specific for this rather than trying to combine it with avoiding rakes or going for a Gold Medal.

Packmore River
  • Ride a croc
    • A crocodile will float along the river sometimes instead of a log, so simply walk across it as you deliver items across the river. 
  • Get hit by a caffeinated driver
    • Keep an eye on the traffic, and run in front of the car with a cup of coffee on the roof.
  • Bring the frog to the other side
    • The frog will slowly hop behind you, so move carefully to get it across the river. You also want to get it into the truck before you deliver your last item, as the frog is a pet that counts toward Bronze Animal Lover. If the frog gets squashed by traffic or falls into the river, it'll respawn at the bottom of the level.

The AAAAAH-tari Office
  • Don’t break any windows
    • This is tricky, because there are windows everywhere. There's a broken window to the left of the starting area with a gray cabinet in front of it, so move that out of the way and you'll be able to bring larger items through that broken window. Note that if the ghost sees you, don't let it chase you because it can break a window. Just let it grab you away from a window and respawn. Also, don't slap the ghost until you've unlocked Gold The Friendly Ghosts.
  • Put the printer in the lift
    • This is easy to do with two people, but a little trickier to do with one person. Just drag the printer into the elevator that's constantly going up and down.
  • Deliver the trolley
    • There's a trolley cart sitting at the bottom-right of the upstairs level, so wheel that down into the delivery zone.

Dread Manor
  • Bust-a-ghost 
    • Save this for after you've earned Gold The Friendly Ghosts. Once it's earned, come back to this level and slap that ghost!
  • Deliver me his head!
    • There's a suit of armor in the middle of the foyer. Knock the head off the suit of armor (it'll say "Ouch!") and then bring it to the truck.
  • Mess up the artwork
    • There are four paintings to knock down in the upstairs hallway, then four more in the room with the killer piano. You can knock the art down by running into it or slapping it.

Roundabout Mansion
  • Hop across the pond
    • There's a rock in the middle of the pond that will let you jump across it to the other side.
  • Don’t mess up any artwork
    • This is a very difficult objective, as this house has tons of paintings and sculptures that can be messed up at the slightest touch. The hardest parts will be getting the bed out of the small bedroom and the couch out of the room above the art room. There's a painting right next to the top door in that room, so be mindful about avoiding that door. It's also best to avoid the long hallway, and the small side hall on the right. Pretty much anywhere there's art on the wall, stay away.
  • No ghost hugs
    • Don't let either ghost grab you. Also, don't slap the ghosts until you've unlocked Gold The Friendly Ghosts. This is tricky to combine with  the "don't mess up any artwork" objective, so consider doing this in a separate run.

Obadiah’s Orchard
  • Avoid all the rakes
    • There are rakes throughout the level, so try to get all of the larger items out of the way so you can more carefully avoid the rakes. It's safe to walk through the wooden handles, as only stepping on the metal part of the rake causes it to smack you.
  • Don’t break the fragile item
    • There's a fragile item in a tree that you'll have to activate the nearby machine to knock down. The item will fall on the X on the ground, so catch it quickly and deliver it carefully to the truck.
  • Ride the turtles
    • There are four turtles in total that pop up on the river: one to the right of the bridge, two to the left, and one further to the left of those two turtles. Stand on all of them and the objective will unlock.

Lenny’s Mansion
  • Clear the pier
    • There's a small pier above the truck. Slap the bucket into the water and drag the lawn chair in after it. 
  • Don’t step on any buttons
    • There are a few buttons throughout the house that are required to be pushed to gather all of the deliverable items. Rather than step on the buttons yourself, drag other items onto them. 
  • Smash the trophy case
    • You can get into the room with the trophy case by placing something on the red button near the shelves right when you go inside. Either jump up the shelves or take the long route up the stairs to get into the room, then smash the trophy case.

Neighbourhood Watch HQ
  • Help a chicken fly
    • Turn one of the two upward-facing fans on and throw a chicken onto it so that it can soar into the air.
  • Keep the chickens off the grass
    • As soon as you open the warehouse, two chickens will start running around. There's a tiny hole at the far right of the warehouse that the chickens will escape through, so you have to move something heavy in front of it before you open warehouse. Then, make your first priority to grab the chickens and throw them into the truck before they run out into the grass. Even if you aren't using Assist Mode, the chickens shouldn't leave the truck once they're thrown in.
  • Discover the weird secret
    • Once you get into the warehouse, you'll see a bulletin board to the left. Slap it to reveal the secret!

Deserted Depot
  • Use only the middle delivery lane
    • There are three delivery lanes, so only use the middle one to deliver items. When you knock the towers of boxes over around each other delivery lane, be careful not to let any boxes fall onto the conveyor belts.
  • Deliver all boxes first
    • This title is misleading, as it sounds like you can deliver both the small and large boxes. Wrong! You have to deliver just the small boxes first. When knocking the box towers down, make sure the chairs on top of them don't fall onto the conveyor belt.
  • Deliver all couches first 
    • Another misleading title, as this applies to both the couches and the yellow-and-orange chairs.

Sealed Storehouse
  • Deliver all small crates first
    • This is how Deserted Depot's objective should have been worded, but what's done is done! Deliver all of the small boxes before any other items.
  • Get a workout 
    • Get onto the conveyor that leads to the delivery truck and run against it from one end to the other.
  • Don’t take any items through the door
    • You'll have to use the conveyor belts to get items from room to room. You cannot let items pile up too much on the conveyor belts, however, because they might accidentally push the doors open. The objective is invalidated if even if the tiniest sliver of an item touches the door, so be extra careful!

Locked Lever Lab
  • Smash the windows
    • There are windows upstairs and throughout the rooms, so smash 'em all.
  • Take the couch outside
    • It doesn't specify which couch, but the objective requires the L-shaped couch to go outside. It only needs to be partially outside in order to get credit, so bring it out from its room and drag it down to the small area to the left with two doors leading outside. 
  • Use the levers only two times
    • This isn't as hard as it sounds, as you really only need to open the first lever you see, on the left of where you started the level. Once you've moved everything out of all of the rooms, flip the lever in the room that had the couch in it to open up the room across from it for the last couple of deliverable items.

Flamethrower Factory
  • Don’t destroy any crates
    • This stage is significantly easier with Assist Mode on. If you're playing this level without Assist Mode, you will have to operate two switches that control fire on the conveyor belts. Deactivate the leftmost fire jet, let the item pass by, then deactivate the rightmost fire jet. Also, crates will continue to appear on the middle conveyor belt that ends in a grinder. Don't let any items touch that grinder, so grab the crates up quickly.
  • Don’t stand on the conveyor
    • This applies to both the big middle conveyor and the small conveyor in the top room. In order to grab the boxes that appear in the middle conveyor, you'll have to stand in the slightly lowered square at the top of the conveyor next to the grinder. From there, you can grab the boxes right before they get crushed. It's best to try this on a run separate from "Don't destroy any crates" so you're not getting frustrated if you miss a box.
  • Crush the Couch
    • Drop the couch onto the middle conveyor so it'll get smooshed!

The Chase
  • Don’t fall from the train
    • Be careful jumping across the three cars to get onto the train so you don't fall right away. Then be careful to run around the rotating fans and when running across the falling logs.
  • Complete the gaming area
    • There's a white console in the very first room, so you'll have to bring it to the very last room and drop it near the TV set. 
  • Send a message Gnome
    • You'll find the gnome in the corner of the room where you have to flip the switches to open the doors and windows. There's a big window at the bottom of this room that faces south. Every so often, you'll pass a big communications tower. You have to time throwing the gnome just right so that it hits the communications tower. Just keep trying until you get the timing right.

The Floor is Guava
  • Don’t let items touch the guava
    • You can fall into the guava all you want, but don't let any deliverable items fall into the drink!
  • Ride the barrel
    • In the second half of the stage, there's a spinning barrel to the lower-left. Stand on the barrel and run back and forth for about twenty seconds until the objective unlocks.
  • Don’t touch the blue platforms
    • This title was frustratingly misleading, as there are two blue-looking platforms. The blue platform has a square icon, not a diamond. If you're playing this co-op, you can throw items into the gray grates.

Stairway to Melon
  • Take a shower
    • There's a guava leak to the top-right of the level, so stand in front of it for about ten seconds.
  • Hit the pipe
    • There's a pipe sticking out of the guava to the top-right of the level. Take any small item and throw it into the pipe.
  • Break all glass
    • There is a lot of glass throughout this level. Hold a box and run it into every corner of every platform and you should have all the glass broken.

Guava Run
  • Don’t touch the guava
    • Falling into the guava isn't tremendously tough so long as you avoid the arm that pushes through the wall.
  • Get pushed and survive
    • This might take a few times, so it's best to do a separate run of this than "Don't touch the guava" in case you fall into the drink while trying to get pushed. If you hold one of the tubes, you won't get pushed as far.
  • Ahh Push It…
    • There's a secret button somewhere on the tip of the arm, so grab the hidden console from behind the truck and jump at the arm's tip when it's fully retracted. It took a few tries for me to get this to unlock, so keep at it.

Satellite Base Alpha
  • Who delivers the deliverer? 
    • It's best to do this one either co-op with another player or using a second controller. Have one player stand over the air lock and have the other person press the button to release the hatch. If you don't have a second controller, you can try to prop a heavy item up against the button to keep it released. 
  • I’m the fire jumper
    • Fire will shoot out in the doorway to the left, so get a good running start and take the leap of faith.
  • Deliver each item separately
    • Deliver each item one at a time rather than letting the items pile up in the airlock.

Revolution Station
  • Crush a thing
    • Take the tube, bed, or couch and place it between two rotating walls so that it gets smooshed and respawns.
  • Deliver everything via the left door (that’s the FAR left door, not the middle-left door)
    • Take every item down the far-left hallway and into the door there. 
  • Don’t touch the moving walls
    • This trophy is very difficult to do in co-op, as more people playing means more items and more chances to bump into the walls. It doesn't matter if the wall is in motion or not - touching the colorful walls in any circumstance invalidates the objective. You may want to take a break with playing with your buds to bang this out really quickly in solo mode. 

  • Don’t use the levers
    • The levers change the direction of the Guavatron, so it's not necessary to pull them in order to complete the level.
  • Deliver the boxes and avoid the Guavatron
    • You'll have to throw the two boxes across the gap, but doing so will require you to jump into the pit and throw the boxes from mid-air. It's best to do this across from the kitchen area.
  • Take the sheep home
    • The sheep is considered a pet, so delivering this will also work toward Bronze Animal Lover.

Contraband Cluster
  • Don’t use the middle fan
    • There are plenty of other fans throughout the level to move things, so steer clear of the middle fan.
  • Don’t use the levers
    • The levels will activate other fans throughout the level, so you'll have to move items manually.
  • Float for 10 seconds
    • There's a fan to the right of the truck that is always on, so float on it for 10 seconds and you're all set.

Pack Rat Planet
  • Hit a basketball shot
    • You'll have to aim the basketball to line up your shot across the fan so that the gust will blow it into the hoop.
  • Sit on the throne
    • You'll have to sit on every toilet for Gold Where we're going we don't need thrones, so grab the hidden console off this toilet by jumping toward it, turning quickly as you fall, and throw it. With the console off the toilet, jump onto it.
  • Take printer for a spin
    • Turn all three of the fire spouts off on the middle spinning platform by moving items off the switches, then bring the printer onto that platform.

The Final Move?
  • Get squished by the outhouse
    • After you deliver the fifth item (during the second wave of the flaming fists), items will start falling from the sky. Stand at the lower-right of the area to get squished by the falling outhouse.
  • Throw something at the rat
    • We managed to hit the rat playing co-op, but it's easiest to throw the hidden console at it after delivering the sixth item. 
  • Survive 30 seconds with the flaming fists 
    • After delivering the third item, four fists will appear that shoot fireballs across the area. The fists move in different directions, each with a set pattern. Move into the fists' safe spots and stay alive for 30 seconds.
Masters in Moving
Complete all levels with Gold medals
Each of the 30 story levels can be finished with Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medals depending on the time it takes to finish. Each stage has a different time limit, and most of them are generous. The more people you're playing with, the more time you have to complete the objectives (but also the more items are require to move to finish the job). Gold medals can be earned solo, but this game is really designed to be played with another person. Using Assist Mode will make the levels much easier to hit Gold; however, some bonus objectives will make hitting Gold difficult in a single run. Your first plan of action should be to go for Gold in your first run along with any objectives that work well with speed, then doing a second (and possibly third) run to hit the bonus objectives.

Below is a quick breakdown of each level.

Holly’s Home
  • This is a fairly simple level, but moving the largest items first will make this easier to hit Gold.

Pepperoni Palace
  • This is another fairly easy level. The L-shaped couch is the only tough piece of furniture.

The Hoop House
  • Try to move the colorful cylinders out of the way of your path so they don't tangle you up as you're trying to get to the truck.

Poolside Pad
  • It's best to throw items across the pool. If you're playing with a second player, team up to throw the heavy items first, then have someone go across to the other side and catch the small / fragile items.

Jerry’s Apartment
  • It's best to throw everything out of the windows that you can. If playing with two players, team up to throw the heavy items down to the lawn.

Casa de Cliff
  • This is another instance where throwing everything off of the balcony is the quickest way to finish the level.

Summer Chalet
  • Try to throw as much down the snowy slopes as you can, then move everything into the truck.

21 Slick Street
  • If you're playing with two players, throwing items through the windows will quickly get everything into the truck. If playing solo, throw down all of the small items and then run the bigger things down the stairs.

Snottsberry Farm
  • If you're playing this on Assist Mode, you don't need to worry about building a pen to keep the animals in. If you're playing it without Assist Mode, use the hay bales to create a pen to keep the animals from running out. Go for the cow first, as it's the most difficult to wrangle, then bring in the other animals and the two benches.

Packmore River
  • Bring the heavy items across first, then throw the non-breakable items across the river. If you have a second player, have them stand across the river to receive the breakable boxes.

The AAAAAH-tari Office
  • Avoid the ghost and try to throw everything down from the top floor down to the bottom. Putting items into the left elevator will take too much time.

Dread Manor
  • Take on the room with the haunted piano first by kiting the piano around the table and grabbing the items to throw out the window. The kitchen chairs will run away from you, so you'll have to put them in last to avoid having to chase them down.

Roundabout Mansion
  • There aren't very many windows to throw items through, so you'll have to be quick about grabbing items while the ghosts aren't paying attention.

Obadiah’s Orchard
  • You'll have to grab a hay bale and place it atop the button so the bridge lowers. Do the same to keep the front door open. If you're playing with two players, you can throw the bed out the window. Otherwise, you'll have to drag everything out. Try to throw small items across the stream so as not to spend too much time running back and forth.

Lenny’s Mansion
  • Go for the heavy items in the music room on the left first, then go for the heavy items throughout the house. There's a button near the piano that will blast speakers, throwing items around the room. You can use that to your advantage to give you a boost in moving items in that section quickly.

Neighbourhood Watch HQ
  • Use non-deliverable items to place on the switches to open the far-right door. Also, take the briefcase off the button so that the left door closes, but the window opens. It's easiest to throw all of the items out that window and run the other items out the door. If you're not playing on Assist Mode, you'll want to move the horizontal fan so that it's blowing up, thus giving you a boost when carrying items to take out the far-right door. Try to go for the giraffe as soon as you can, but don't try to drag it out of the window because it can get stuck and respawn.

Deserted Depot
  • This level is really fun, as you get to knock big towers of boxes over onto conveyor belts. Be careful around the spinning saws when you grab the couches, as getting hit by one will send you back to your spawn point and slow your progress.

Sealed Storehouse
  • Take advantage of the conveyor belts between the rooms to get large things out to the delivery area quickly. Be careful about how you position items onto the conveyor belt to the truck, however, as it's possible for large items to get stuck.

Locked Lever Lab
  • Take advantage of using switches to make fast deliveries, and if you're playing co-op then throw the larger items down from the top floor.

Flamethrower Factory
  • If you're playing this solo, it's recommended you turn Assist Mode on so the fire jets on the delivery conveyor are disabled. Otherwise, you'll have to constantly run around and switch levers to move the fire jets. If you're playing this without Assist Mode on co-op, have one person operate the fire jet switches while the other puts boxes on the conveyor. Be careful not to put boxes spaced too closely, as you'll likely end up burning one while trying to save the other. Take advantage of the switch to speed up the conveyor belt to put a larger distance between items. 

The Chase
  • The puzzles aren't too difficult, so the one thing that could slow you down is falling off of the truck.

The Floor is Guava
  • In the initial room, a platform will raise up and down with only a narrow section in the middle that doesn't dip into the guava. You can't run across this platform in one go unless you jump toward it just as it's about to raise back up. For the two heavy items, you'll have to take them to the middle and position them sideways so they don't get dunked when the platform lowers.
  • For the second half of this level, first go for the items on the right with the shifting platforms. Try to throw small items across the guava and watch the timing of the platforms for the larger items. Then, go to the left side across the moving cylinder. As the cylinder spins, two bars will alternate crossing its surface and bar your way. When on the cylinder, run the opposite way of its spin so you don't fall off the edge.

Stairway to Melon
  • Go for the larger items, and take advantage of the turning staircases to help you get across quickly. Throw smaller items when you can.

Guava Run
  • If you're playing this co-op, each person would have to run down a separate lane to grab either side of the tube. There are a few instances where you'll have to stand on the moving gray platforms to position you into a spot where you can run back to the truck. Also, watch out for the arm that pushes out every few seconds.

Satellite Base Alpha
  • You'll have to drag deliverable items into an airlock in the center of a spinning platform. To save time, pile a few items up before you press the green button outside of the airlock to drop them into the truck. Also, there's a lot of fire in this area, so be careful dragging the tubes around. For the right side of the base, try to drag the tubes on the right side of the fire jets, then down and around in a clockwork fashion. This is because the fire jets starts at the bottom, goes to the middle, and then the top. 

Revolution Station
  • This stage has three types of moving walls that turn the center area into a shifting maze. You'll have to grab items out of the side rooms and navigate the moving walls. They have set intervals, so watch the patterns to avoid having to wait for a dead end to open back up again.

  • You'll have to drag several heavy items through the rotating Guavatron. If you're playing this on Assist Mode, there will be a fixed doorway in the Guavatron to drag the items through; however, if you're playing this with Assist Mode off then that doorway will rotate with the Guavatron. You can flip a switch on either side of the Guavatron to change the direction of its revolutions. We found that there were some instances that running the opposite direction of the Guavatron's rotations made it easier, because we could run behind the rotating doorway instead of having to squeeze the L- or Cheeto-shaped couches through. Also, it's best to throw the boxes across the gap, which is also a bonus objective.

Contraband Cluster
  • There are fans all over the stage that you can use to get items across the platforms to the truck. If you set a small item on the baseball diamond, then stand on the green switch, a fan will blow the item straight into the truck. This level is definitely more fun with more players.

Pack Rat Planet
  • There are platforms that move and connect on the right side of the stage, and there's a spinning platform in the middle with fire jets that can be turned off by taking items off the colored switches. If you think it's easier to place items on the spinning platforms rather than running them across the left or right sides of the stage, go for it.

The Final Move?
  • You'll have to deal with changing obstacles to get items from the right side of the area to the left. When you grab the first item, wait until the forcefield separating the stage lowers so you can pull it to the truck. Now the stage will go through four phases.
    1. Fireballs will go up and down a fixed area. Watch their patterns to avoid them. Delivering the second item will cause more fireballs to appear when you try to deliver the third item.
    2. Four fists will shoot fire that criss-crosses the stage. There will be a red warning line of where the fire will go, so stay outside of that warning line. After you deliver the fourth item, the fists will speed up as you try to deliver the fifth.
    3. Junk will fall from the sky, creating a maze. Missiles will then fall throughout the stage, so watch for their red warning circles. After you deliver the sixth item, more junk will appear and make the maze more difficult to navigate. The missiles will become more frequent as well. The best strategy is to haul the item from the top of the left side, down through the middle, then back up and out the top left side.
    4. Lasers will sweep across the platform, but shields will move back and forth to block the lasers briefly. There's a middle area that's always shielded, so watch the timing of the shields and the lasers so you know when it's safe to run across to the middle, then do the same to get to the other side. After you deliver the eighth item, four lasers will fire from above and sweep the area. There's a big enough gap between the lasers to fit yourself into, so watch the timing and move when the lasers move.
  • After those four phases, all you have to do is grab the last item and play through the ending.
PHD In Moving
Complete 20 story levels with Gold medals
You'll earn this trophy by completing 20 of the 30 story levels with Gold Medals. See Gold Masters in Moving for more details.
Moving On Up
Complete 10 story levels with Gold medals
You'll earn this trophy by completing 10 of the 30 story levels with Gold Medals. See Gold Masters in Moving for more details.
Choo Choo
Complete "The Chase"
The Chase is the 21st level, requiring you to deliver items from a train to your truck.

See Gold Masters in Moving for details on the level and Gold Objectives Complete! on the bonus objectives.
Who's the Boss?
Defeat the Rat King
This trophy is earned for beating the last level in the story.

See Gold Masters in Moving for details on the level and Gold Objectives Complete! on the bonus objectives.
Where we're going we don't need thrones
Sit on every toilet in the game
This trophy is misleading, as you can't literally sit on the toilets found throughout 13 of the 30 story levels. Simply standing on the toilet seat is enough to count. One of the shortcomings of the game is that doesn't display which toilets you've stood on, so you'll want to manually keep track of each toilet so as not to replay levels unnecessarily.

Here's a brief list of each toilet and its location so that you can keep track:
  1.  Holly's Home
    • This toilet is in plain sight in the bathroom.
  2. Pepperoni Palace
    • There's a box sitting on top of this toilet in the bathroom, so move the box before standing on the john.
  3. The Hoop House
    • The toilet is in the bathroom between the green room and the garage. There's a box on this one too, so move it before standing on the toilet.
  4. Poolside Pad
    • This toilet is partially obscured next to the shower in the bathroom.
  5. Jerry's Apartment
    • There's a fragile box sitting on top of this one, so deliver that to the truck and then return to the bathroom and stand on the toilet.
  6. Casa de Cliff
    • The toilet is in plain sight in the bathroom adjacent to the pool table.
  7. Summer Chalet
    • This toilet is in plain sight in the bathroom.
  8. 21 Slick Street
    • There's a box on top of this toilet in the bathroom, so move it from the throne before standing on it.
  9. Roundabout Mansion
    • The toilet is in the bathroom, just across from the kitchen on the top-right.
  10. Obadiah's Orchard
    • When you stand on the red button on the right side of the map, a chicken will come busting out of an outhouse. There's a toilet hidden inside of that outhouse, so jump around to get positioned properly. If you play through the game and the trophy doesn't unlock, you probably didn't stand on this toilet properly (at least that's what happened to me).
  11.  Lenny's Mansion
    • The toilet is in plain sight in the bathroom to the left of the front door.
  12. Guavatron
    • The toilet is facing the edge of the cliff just beneath the Cheeto-shaped couch. It's a little difficult to get positioned on this properly without falling off, so keep trying until you can stand on it without sliding.
  13. Pack Rat Planet
    • This toilet is directly to your left when you start the level. There's a hidden console on top of it that you'll have to move, which can be tricky. You'll have to jump at the console, then quickly turn and throw it onto the platform as you're falling. You can then either jump at the toilet from the respawn point, or run up the stairs and jump onto the toilet from above.
Remember The Time...
Complete all memory levels
Memory levels are unlocked after earning Gold Medals. They'll all unlock after your 25th Gold Medal, but it's up to you as to if you want to play them as you earn them or save them up to the end. They're short, goofy stages including both a stage where you can play soccer and basketball with other players. Note that The Mysterious Client Caper Reveal and The Parade for the Greatest Moving Company in Packmore History aren't required for the trophy. Below is a brief rundown of each memory level.

The Luggage Rescue of ’84
  • You'll have to throw packages from an airplane to the truck below. Wait until the white X is in the delivery zone, then throw. It might take you a few tries to get the timing down, but the truck moves back and forth in the same pattern.

The Packmore Small Business Soccer League Semi-Finals
  • This stage is a soccer field with just has a chair to deliver, but 5 minutes on the clock. The point of it is to goof around playing soccer with your friends, but you can easily finish this level by dragging the chair into the truck (which should also award you with Bronze Minute Mover). If you want to play soccer with your friends, you can replay this stage any time

The Boulder Dash
  • You'll have to outrun two rolling boulders while carrying a package. This one is easier to accomplish playing solo, as you and your friend(s) can get jammed up in the narrow corridor toward the end.

The Traffic Jam of ’82
  • The cars will move suddenly as you approach them, creating a maze.

The Haunted Labyrinth
  • This stage is an homage to Pac-Man, so grab the items from each of the four corners of the maze and avoid the ghosts. The fruit is there to complete the Pac-Man motif.

The Legend of Rake Island
  • It's an island full of rakes! You drop the item each time you get hit by a rake, so be careful where you step.

The Great Flood of ’83
  • You'll have to jump on the tops of cars and platforms to get the items across the river. This is easier in co-op, as one player can throw the items to the other.

Shredding Season
  • Throw everything onto the conveyor belt as quickly as you can so it all gets munched up by the grinder.

The Cash Box Incident
  • The cash box is hidden in the top-right corner, so drag everything away from that area to uncover the box. Don't throw any items off the platform, because they'll respawn back where they came from. This is do-able solo, but it's easier in co-op.

The Jam in Space
  • This is just like the soccer level in that there's only one item to deliver, but 5 minutes on the clock to play some b-ball with your homies. If you didn't get Bronze Minute Mover before, you can very easily get it here.
Massive Window Attack
Smash 100 windows
You will almost assuredly unlock this trophy after playing and replaying the first few levels trying to get gold medals or bonus objectives, as there are several windows in each stage that can be broken. You can break windows by walking through them, bumping into them with an item, or throwing something through them.
Golden Mover
Get a Gold Medal in one level
You'll earn this trophy by completing your first story mission with a Gold Medal. See Gold Masters in Moving for more details.
An Eye for the Details
Complete all bonus objectives in one level
You'll earn this trophy by completing all three bonus objectives in a single story level. See Gold Objectives Complete! for more details.
Rain, hail or shine.
Slap every mailbox in the story levels
You learn in the tutorial that you can slap by pressing Square, so slap the mailboxes scattered throughout the story levels. Here's a list of where to find them:

Mandatory Training
  • When you learn how to slap, you'll be in a room with a ghost and a mailbox. Slap that mailbox!

Holly’s Home
  • This is just outside of the front entrance.

Pepperoni Palace
  • This is also just outside of the front entrance.

The Hoop House
  • This is at the end of the pavers leading from the front door to the truck.

Jerry's Apartment
  • This is at the bottom-right of the stage.

Casa de Cliff
  • This is to the right of the red door near the staircase. Slapping this mailbox is a bonus objective for this level, as it sets loose the goose. Deliver that goose as part of Bronze Animal Lover.

Summer Chalet
  • This is in the snow to the right of the bottom of the staircase.

21 Slick Street
  • This is in the center of the oil slick in the front yard. One of the bonus objectives is not to get oily, so you'll have to slap this mailbox in a separate playthrough of this level.

Neighborhood Watch HQ
  • This one is at the bottom of the level, at the end of the fence and in front of the truck.

Pack Rat Planet
  • This is hidden on the platform on the lower-right of the stage, near the deliverable speaker.
Go Long!
Throw 500 items
You'll have to throw items in quite a few levels, so you should get this relatively early in the game. Story, memory, and arcade levels all count toward this total.
Nick of Time
Beat a level in story mode with under 5 seconds left on the clock
Each story level has a timer, so simply run or throw an item into the truck when you have less than 5 seconds left on the clock. You'll know you've almost failed the level because the clock will show red and each second will audibly tick. It goes without saying that you shouldn't attempt this trophy during any level where you're trying to get a Gold Medal.
Minute Mover
Beat a level in under a minute
You'll most likely get this during The Packmore Small Business Soccer League Semi-Finals memory level, as the only deliverable item is sitting right next to the truck. That level is more for you and your friends to goof around with the soccer ball, so beat it for this trophy and then replay it for shenanigans.
Quantity over quality
Deliver 1337 items
This trophy should unlock naturally throughout the game. If you've reached 111% completion without earning it, replay levels with lots of deliverable items like the story level Deserted Depot or the memory level Shredding Season.
The Friendly Ghosts
Complete all haunted levels without slapping any ghosts
This trophy requires you to beat the three ghost levels, The AAAAAH-tari Office, Dread Manor, and Roundabout Mansion, without slapping any ghosts. The first two levels are relatively easy to avoid ghosts, but Roundabout Mansion has two ghosts that circle the main thoroughfares. It's best that you blow through those three levels without going for medals or bonus objectives so that this trophy will unlock. Once this trophy is earned, go back and replay those three levels. If for some reason you or a friend accidentally slapped a ghost, just restart the level and try again. If you completed a level after slapping a ghost, just replay the level without slapping the ghost this time.

Note: The ghosts in both the tutorial and Haunted Labyrinth memory level will not affect this trophy, so slap away.
The Bird
Shoot a basketball hoop
Shooting a basket is required for The Hoop House's bonus objective, so you'll unlock this trophy as soon as you sink your shot.
That's Not Landfill!
Deliver the hidden console from each story level
There is a game console resembling an Atari hidden in all 30 story levels. Here's a photo of what it looks like for reference:

The console must be on the truck before you make the last delivery, as they don't count as deliverable items themselves. If you're playing with Assist Mode on so that delivered items disappear once they reach the delivery zone, the hidden console won't disappear. Also, some levels will have different colored consoles (some of them deliverable), but the one you're looking for is black. Here's the list of where you can find each console:

Holly’s Home
  • It's behind the bushes in the top-left of the stage, left of the truck bumper.

Pepperoni Palace
  • It's hidden under the picnic table in the backyard. Move it out of the way and you should see the console.

The Hoop House
  • This one is chilling in the backyard hammock.

Poolside Pad
  • This one is pretty well hidden. Hold your arms out and jump around the kitchen counter to the left of the refrigerator.

Jerry’s Apartment
  • This is another one hidden by the camera angle. It's on the floor in the corner of the bathroom near the bathtub.

Case de Cliff
  • Once you go near the car in the game room, it'll drive through the window and reveal the hidden console in the top-right corner.

Summer Chalet

  • It's hidden in the bottom-right corner of the room with the window next to the basketball hoop.

21 Slick Street

  • It's hidden just to the left of the red car under the garage door.

Snottsberry Farm

  • At the top-left of the level, there's a staircase leading up to some hay bales. Move the hay bales and you'll see the hidden console.

Packmore River

  • This one is sitting by some bushes on the left in the strip of land between the river and the street.

The AAAAAH-tari Office

  • It's hidden behind the trolley tucked into the corner of the two offices on the second floor. Delivering this trolley is a bonus objective for this stage, so you'll likely find the console while attempting that.

Dread Manor

  • This one is tricky, because it's tucked into the lower-left corner of the room with the killer piano. Kite the piano around the table and then put your arms out and rush over to the corner to grab the console.

Roundabout Mansion

  • In the lower-left corner of the room with the round white tile and all the sculptures.

Obadiah’s Orchard

  • This one is hidden under the hay bales behind the truck. Move the hay aside and grab the console.

Lenny’s Mansion

  • This one is outside the house in the corner to the left of the tree, right outside the tall brick wall of the room with the trophy case.

Neighbourhood Watch HQ

  • This one his hidden at the end of the hallway where the deliverable giraffe is sitting. Grab the giraffe out of the way and you should see the console.

Deserted Depot

  • This one is in the second room with the vending machine, the couch, and the table. The console is in the right corner behind those items.

Sealed Storehouse

  • This one is hard to spot. In the far-left room with the water cooler, the console is hidden in the bottom corner just next to the conveyor belt.

Locked Lever Lab

  • This is in the top-left corner of the second floor room with the table.

Flamethrower Factory

  • This one is well-hidden. In the room where you start, it's in the bottom-left corner where the interior wall meets the thin brick wall. Just move around down there with your arms out and you should find it.

The Chase

  • When you have to move the couch between the saw blades, you'll see the console sitting on a pallet in the bed of a green truck. Jump over to the green truck, then throw the console into the delivery truck.

The Floor is Guava

  • In the second phase of this level, the console is hidden in the bottom-left corner of the area after crossing the disappearing/reappearing platforms.

Stairway to Melon

  • This console is in plain sight sitting on a platform all its own right by the truck. Use the moving staircase to the left to get to it.

Guava Run

  • This is directly behind the delivery truck. Just run behind it with your arms out and you'll pick it up.

Satellite Base Alpha

  • In the left room where the fire comes out in spurts, it's hidden behind the wall just above the tube at the bottom. To find it easily, as soon as you pass through the fire area, turn left and head down with your arms out and you should have it as soon as you bump into the wall. 

Revolution Station

  • To the left of where you start the stage, there's a red revolving wall. The console is hidden in the bottom-left corner near that revolving wall.


  • At the top of the stage, there's a TV set sitting on a rock. The console is behind that TV and around the corner behind the cliff.

Contraband Cluster

  • This one is hidden on the leftmost island behind the gray brick wall adjacent to the medium-sized fan that blows you between the two floating platforms.

Pack Rat Planet

  • This one is on the toilet directly left of the starting area. You'll have to jump at the console with your arms out and then quickly turn and throw it onto the platform you jumped from as you're falling. It might take a few tries to get it right.

The Final Move?

  • During the third phase of this stage, junk will fall from the sky. Once you deliver the item through the junk, more junk will fall. Among that second wave of junk is the hidden console, sitting between the grain silo and the pool table.
Animal Lover
Deliver every pet
There are a few story levels with animals running loose, some of which are required to deliver to complete the level. You'll have to deliver every animal in order for this to unlock, and in some instances the animal has to be penned in the truck so that it doesn't escape. If you're playing with Assist Mode on, turn off the option to have items disappear from the truck so that you can position items in such a way as to pen the animal in.  Below is a list of what levels have what pets.

Pepperoni Palace - Turtle
  • A turtle is running around this stage. You'll have to pen the turtle in, as it will try to escape the truck. Make sure it's on the truck before your last delivery so that it counts. Doing so also counts as a bonus objective for this stage.

The Hoop House - Chicken
  • A chicken will run out from the dog house when you pick up the box sitting in front of its entrance. Don't let the chicken in the house and it will complete a bonus objective. Also, pen the chicken in so it doesn't try to escape.

Casa de Cliff - Goose
  • Slapping the mailbox near the red door will set the goose loose. This itself is a bonus objective, but the goose still needs to be delivered to complete the level. The goose will follow you throughout the stage, so be sure to pen it in the truck so it can't escape.

21 Slick Street - Sheep
  • Delivering the sheep is part of the stage requirements, so this can't be missed.

Snottsberry Farm - Chickens, sheep, cow, and pig
  • You have to deliver every animal on the farm, so this also can't be missed.

Packmore River - Frog
  • A frog will follow you throughout the stage, but you cannot pick it up and put it into the truck manually. Getting it to cross the river is a bonus objective, so make sure you save one item for last as you lead the frog up to the truck so it's in the delivery area when you finish the level.

Obadiah's Orchard - Chicken
  • When you step on the red button, a chicken will bust loose from the outhouse. Delivering this chicken is required, so you can't miss it.

Neighborhood Watch HQ - Chickens
  • When you enter the warehouse, two chickens will run around the stage. One of the bonus objectives is to keep them off the grass, so be sure to block the small hole to the far-right of the outside of the warehouse before you go inside. Once you're inside the warehouse, move the briefcase off of the switch to close the door. Now the chickens can't escape onto the grass, so grab them and take them to the truck. You don't have to pen them in, as they won't run out once they're inside.

The Chase - Chickens
  • These chickens are required to finish the stage, so you can't miss this.

Guavatron - Sheep
  • There's a sheep hanging out near the couch at the top-left of the level. Delivering this sheep isn't required, but it's a bonus objective. Be sure to pen it in the truck so it doesn't run out.
Look left, then right...
Get run over by 125 cars
You'll likely get hit by a few cars over the course of your playthrough, but unless you're remarkably uncoordinated then you'll have to replay Packmore River a few times to rack up the vehicular manslaughter body count. If playing co-op, it appears as though that each player getting run over counts, so this will unlock faster with a buddy (or a second controller).
Totally Certified
Complete Mandatory Training
Mandatory Training is the initial tutorial level to help you get acquainted with the controls and game mechanics. It's linear with no secrets or hidden objectives, so follow your boss's instructions and this trophy will unlock. Also, make sure you slap the mailbox for Bronze Rain, hail or shine.
You Don't Got Mail!
Smash the hidden letterbox with the truck
There's a secret mailbox hidden down a narrow path behind Obadiah’s Orchard on the northwest half of the map. You'll be able to reach this area once you've beaten Packmore River. Drive behind the orchard and smash into the mailbox with the truck to earn this trophy.