
gildings in this subreddit have paid for 6.26 days of server time

Amazon accuses Sen. Bernie Sanders of misrepresenting worker pay, tells workers to send him positive stories by lrlOurPresident in OurPresident

[–]secondarycontrol 124 points125 points  (0 children)

And I'm sure that Amazon would be happy to provide complete payroll data to be analyzed, right?

IF Senator Sanders manages to pass a bill that --basically--bills Amazon (et al) for state benefits that employees collect AND Amazon's employees (according to Amazon) aren't eligible/don't collect state benefits...then what's Amazon's interest in this? Are they just feeling put-upon?

They could clear this up by, you know, releasing complete data that refutes. Complete data, including temps, part timers, short termers.

Or continue to battle it out in the court of public opinion.

Goddammit Dems by thegeebeebee in OurPresident

[–]ClF3ismyspiritanimal 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Very few people are really claiming both major parties are the same, or that both sides are equally bad. However, a lot of people with a particular agenda are either strawmanning that argument, or they're intentionally (or perhaps just foolishly) misunderstanding the point that both major parties share some significant underlying flaws. At the most charitable, it may be that although they correctly appreciate that "perfect" is the enemy of "good enough," they don't appreciate that "better than those other guys" is also the enemy of "good enough."

Office assistant thank you by Kayfabe666 in OurPresident

[–]Dsilkotch 102 points103 points  (0 children)

In all seriousness, I really wish we could all stop sneering at each other. Everyone craves respect and personal dignity, even the people who don't "deserve" it. Everyone starts to behave badly when they go too long without getting those things, because they've been disconnected from the benefits of behaving well. I wish so much that we could stop all the divisive jokes and try to come together and fix this mess. You can't help someone become a better person and make better choices by dehumanizing them and making fun of them. We're just playing into the hands of the corporatocracy: the only ones who benefit while we all tear each other down.

EDIT: I choose to believe that the worst offenders in this cancerous comment section are paid shills here to keep us fighting against each other rather than working together. If that's not the case, then all I can say is that Sanders would be disappointed and saddened to see his supporters at each other's throats this way.

And y'all aren't being the people that Fred Rogers believed you could be.

EDIT 2: Thanks for the gold!

Hillary Clinton is rebranding herself as an activist, even though she is against single-payer healthcare, called African-American youth "super-predators," is pro-fracking, vehemently opposed gay marriage for most of her life, and is the best friend that Wall Street ever had. by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]FartMartin 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Surely us sanders supporters are smarter than that!

Smart Sanders supporters speak proper English. That's WE Sanders supporters, not US in that sentence.

Many of these were spurned sanders supporters who coincidentally forgot how bad a Trump presidency would be.

No you don't. Clinton, the corrupt DNC, and the corporate Democrats are entirely to blame for Trump by abandoning blue collar Democrats particularly in the Rust Belt with the following strategy:

Chuck Schumer: “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”

Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost by SilentRunning in OurPresident

[–]bowenoutofstyle 81 points82 points  (0 children)

Or maybe, just maybe, the Democrats did everything in their power to downplay Sanders and his supporters, effectively scoffing at the idea that anyone other than Clinton could or should win. They pushed this narrative that Bernie was some overly-idealistic old coot who didn't know what he was talking about, and Hillary supporters pretty much dismissed the views of Sanders supporters wholesale. They did everything in their power to try to make us feel dumb for voting for our heart over who they felt was the more pragmatic candidate in the primary, then when Hillary won (after what amounts to an enormous smear campaign) they fed us "awww darn, sorry your guy lost, listen, we'll throw like one or two of his policies in with ours, come vote for her now?" and were shocked that Bernie supporters didn't turn out in droves for Clinton, after they spent months shitting all over us. But no no, the real problem has to do with not getting the same turnout as Obama. Fucking ridiculous. When the Dems make a large percentage of democrats feel dumb or unwelcome for preferring a different candidate than their "chosen one," then make a seriously half-assed "hello there fellow kids" attempt to win them over, they clearly have their heads too far up their own asses to realize that they lost because the entire fucking theme of this election was the rejection of the status quo, and Hillary was the embodiment of the "typical politician" that Americans have grown disgusted of. They ignored the entire political climate in favor of pushing Hillary. Edit: Thanks for the Gold! Euuuuuureka!

Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders "would have won the primary if not for the shenanigans of the Obama-Clinton party managers who kept him out" by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]Atraktape 18 points19 points  (0 children)


Fuckin A get over it.

Bernie Sanders Hasn’t Ruled Out Running For President In 2020 by Bernie4Ever in OurPresident

[–]Brrryyycccee 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Sanders/Gabbard 2020


Edit: Thanks, anonymous redditor. I'm glad you're as big of fan of the two as me.

"Mr. Trump, if you are serious about lowering prescription drug costs in this country then support my bill. Enough talk." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Okay I'll briefly lay out why its being overly simplistic in good faith, I wont be able to back everything up with sources but Ill edit them in and you should be able to find much of it. AGAIN IM AN AMATEUR SO THIS IS NOT DEFINITIVE. Some of this directly quotes a reddit comment I had saved a while ago but no longer have the link for.

  1. The problem in US Healthcare boils down to three things, Quality, Cost, and Access. Any comprehensive discussion on the topic must address all three.

a) Cost - So theres little debating that the US has an absurdly expensive healthcare system, the question is why? So heres where our buddies comment comes in, its gotta be corporate greed right? So despite what most people think, prescription drugs are a very small fraction of health care spending, insurance company margins are very low, overhead is under control, etc. (Also, we've built some really expensive hospitals, but you can't magically convert a very expensive hospital with single occupancy rooms into a cheap one with massive shared wards; you can't even sell the buildings because they're useless except as hospitals. Those costs are, literally, poured in concrete.)

As you can imagine Cost is the biggest issue here, no one knows how to bring them down myself definitely included. Its such a comprehensive problem linked to the cost of med school, how much we import doctors, to even the cost of living in the types of cities specialists live in. Theres also the issue of the US subsidizing research costs for other countries so our own people end up paying more.

Thats why its not so simple to call Big Pharma Greedy, research costs have to be funded, and I have no answer for that.

b) Quality, so we pay a lot. That must mean we're killing it on quality right? Wrong we lag behind most countries in life expectancy and what not so we arent seeing the results you'd expect from paying 2-3x more

c) Access this is the second biggest one after cost. Everyone who isnt a republican agrees that Universal Healthcare is an imperative. Hell with this last HC debate it seems clear that even the GOP cant roll back Obamacare and the only way to from here is towards full coverage.

People get this confused a lot Single Payer (Canada), a Public Option (Germany), and Nationalized Healthcare are three different things that all provide Universal Coverage.

No country with the US population has Single Payer, this doesnt mean its impossible

So Single Payer is the popular proposal for good reason, it is the simplest and arguably most moral way to go about it everyone is covered and thats that. The issue is It doesn't address the cost problem, as far as I know no Single Payer implementation has brought down costs only slowed the growth. Thats not enough in the US

Beyond that no country has Single Payer on the federal level (maybe the Aussies I could be wrong), and we arent getting red states on board with this so we would be striking new ground there.

Also it would cost 100s of thousands of good paying jobs, and theres no way that reforming 18% of our economy will be pretty. Hard to argue that it wouldn't be worth it if we could reign costs.

Public Option is the one that Hillary supported basically is a medicaid expansion that accepts more people who can't pay for it, and allows others to purchase into medicare. This is effective because it basically makes all private health insurance non-profit in order to compete with government plans that people anywhere can buy including areas that private insurers arent serving. I think this is the most realistic proposal and could transition us to single payer eventually.

Nationalized isnt worth discussing because itll never happen, basically its the UK system.

Hope that covers it

"Mr. Trump, you cannot run a government by rejecting science. Listen to the scientific community, not the CEOs of the fossil fuel industry." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]Shirakawasuna 294 points295 points  (0 children)

While in the end it's the votes in the primaries that mattered, the scales were tipped for Clinton in more ways than a lack of exposure:

  • The questionable joint DNC-Clinton fundraising to exploit a maximum donation loophole

  • The use of superdelegates to push the narrative that Clinton was inevitable. This was echoed by the press as well.

  • The media (and particularly CNN) pushed the inevitability narrative as well in odd ways. When straw polls favored Sanders after their debates, they'd have 3:1 pro-Clinton: pro-Sanders panels to discuss who won the debates (obviously the majority favoring Clinton). For at least one of the debates, Clinton was widely touted as the winner on major media outlets for simply not screwing up. The latter ties into that inevitability narrative.

  • Caucus rules were sometimes changed between levels (e.g. LD vs County) to favor Clinton after she lost one round in NV due to not seating enough alternates.

  • Clinton was given debate questions by Brazile. This is bad enough on its own, but of course it makes you wonder what else was happening "behind the scenes".

  • Potentially more - the DNC leaks paint a picture of the DNC viewing the Sanders camp as the enemy. It also jives well with the general sense that Clinton was the party favorite at least since she declared in 2015.

  • The fact that the Democrats had an undeveloped bench of candidates to begin with. You'll be hard-pressed to find a lot of people who remember more than Sanders and Clinton. This was never really intended to be much of a race and Sanders was as (pleasantly) surprised as anyone. The DNC could have been recruiting for the last 8 years to find a good diversity of candidates and getting them exposure, but they sat on their hands and waited for Clinton's turn.

Edit: thank you for the gold, kind stranger!

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]Lawgick 118 points119 points  (0 children)

I agree with Bernie and I understand why everyone is concerned about the way Trump is attacking the media. HOWEVER, the truth is the media is the enemy of the people and it has been for a long time now. Just like in the election Trump is tapping into a truth to manipulate the American people for his own gain.

The Media has lied to us again and again. Manipulated facts for profit/corporate interests, ignored important stories because it challenged the powerful, they have been in bed with wallstreet and the government for decades now. The erosion of our trust in the media has been going on long before Trump but Trump arrived just in time to capitalize on it at the best time it seems.

Let's not pretend the media is some innocent victim. We all know what they helped do to Bernie on behalf of Hillary and the DNC and let's not forget all the Millions in free advertisement they gave to Trump during the election just because it got them more views/clicks, consequences be damned.

EDIT: Thanks for the Gold! =)

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (0 children)

There's no difference; illegalizing and discrediting the press are functionally the same thing. Trump intends to be the nation's sole source of information, and whether he arrests the press or simply discredits them doesn't matter. They're the same thing.

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]coheedcollapse 42 points43 points  (0 children)

how this sort of manipulation is beneficial for a reporter on a $35K annual salary.

I think this is the biggest damn laugh of the whole thing. As someone who works in the journalism industry, I'm surrounded by these people. Not saying they don't have personal political biases, but assuming that a freelance/salary reporter is just going to bow to whatever word comes from their overlords without question is absolutely fucking absurd. I've seen people quit for less.

And pretending that they're intentionally passing up on reporting news that would absolutely fucking skyrocket them to the annals of journalistic history due to some stupid political shill scheme is beyond absurd. Most of these people would kill to break a huge story.

I'm sure there are differences in local/global levels, but pretending that every journalist working for every publication is somehow corrupt and working on some high level to keep the general public in the dark is just fucking silly.

I also don't get how some people have so much trouble separating "shitty media" from "all media". Like just because CNN can be shitty sometimes doesn't mean that every single mainstream news source is a piece of shit. It also doesn't even mean that every CNN reporter is going to be releasing shitty news. Stuff isn't black and white.

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]Captive_Hesitation 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Hee, hee!

I knew I smelled something fishy... glad to see my instincts were right. He claims to be one guy, but Jebus, that's a lot of posts over 4 accounts for one person.

Thanks for the archiving. Apparently, he also mods a subreddit... have you messaged any admins to let them know the kind of crap he's pulling? Or posted any of this to r/quityourbullshit or related subs?

EDIT: Holy Cthulhu, my first Reddit gold! I don't know what to say... I'd like to thank my parents, for giving me my first book to chew, my... <hey, wait, keep that hook away from me...>

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]Bardfinn 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Look —

I'm not going to dig through your post history to dismantle your claims.

What I'm going to do is simple:

In the past ten days, a wave of spinmeistering shills have been unleashed on all comment media, including Facebook, Reddit, Twitter — that all post comments of the form

"I don't like Donald Trump, but [support of some vile political position Overton-Shifted slightly left of Trump's]."

It's ridiculously transparent pandering in an attempt to do damage control.

The reason Donald Trump "gets away" with calling the Mainstream Media "fake news" and "the enemy of the people" is because his electorate are the kind of intellectual midgets who believe that Science is Leftist Witchcraft, that it's impossible for Climate Change to be anthropogenic because God Gave Man Dominion and Stewardship Over The Earth, that Blacks are Inferior because [anecdote]. They cannot think critically and view all criticism as personal attacks on their "culture" — a "culture" made possible because of the fruits of science and liberty insulating them from the consequences of their poor choices.

Someone doesn't have to defend "Trump" to defend his aims, goals, methods, policies, and ideals. This isn't about one man who — by the very nature of his movement — will be vilified and cast down as a false prophet once he falls from the top (the *Führerprinzip). This is about the entire system that has allowed him to reach the office of the Presidency.

So when you spit on Donald Trump while waving the pennant he was waving yesterday, everyone here knows what is happening: you're a footsoldier positioning yourself.

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about." - Bernie Sanders by chickenpeak in OurPresident

[–]23canaries 44 points45 points  (0 children)

ha! good eye.

Yes redditor /u/GonnaVote5 definitely apart of a pro trump shill team.

You can see they have them numbered to keep track lol




EDIT: so this is obviously organized, even down to propaganda techniques. Fellas, this isn't going to work out for you like you're hoping.

EDIT 2: I archived these posts in case they get deleted.


