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Change My View (CMV)


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Posted by4 hours ago

I feel like every time I talk to a conservative they always tell me about their God Ben Shapiro. How he's the most intelligent person you've ever seen. How he's able to destroy snowflakes with the flick of his wrist. How he's the most talented debater in the world.

First off, every video of him destroying him is basically the same. A dumb 18-year old kid that's way too cocky and way underprepared asks a question and he gives a non-answer. Then, the kid maybe gets one chance to respond, but Ben always gets the final word and the mentally-handicapped edge lords in the crowd cheer for him even though the point he made was literally a non-answer. This isn't debate skill, this is setting up a debate in a way that you can't lose. I really want him to debate somebody who knows what they're talking about. A good example of a more fair debate is him vs. Cenk Uygur. While I think Ben won the argument Cenk made a lot of good points and Ben was very quick to use shitty debate tactics which I'll explain in the next paragraph.

Secondly, he always defends his points with some incredibly disingenuous tactic. His common debate tactics include: begging the question, appeal to nature, appeal to tradition, and appeal to authority. The best example of this is him saying "science is the reason life begins at conception" without actually defending this point with actual scientific evidence. What he's really saying here is "Science says that a sperm and an egg cell turn into a fetus at conception. I think this is when life begins based on personal beliefs that have nothing to do with science." This is a much different argument and is literally the textbook definition of begging the question. But of course nobody calls him out on this because he only debates college freshmen who have no idea what they're doing.

The funny part is I used to like this guy. I thought he was intelligent and well-spoken. I think this is the general trap that the Ben Shapiro supporter falls into. They automatically assume that because he's confident and speaks competently and quickly that what he's saying is true. However, when you take the time to actually look at the way he argues it's incredibly bad-faith and very transparent.

I'm 100% sure that if he tried to pull any of this shit on a competent debater who knows these tactics he would be absolutely destroyed.

Edit: This is my fault I should have been much more clear with my definition of a "good debater." When I say "good debater" I mean somebody whose arguments are logical and coherent. As many have pointed out Ben is a very coherent and persuasive debater. I don't disagree with this. My issue with him is that his justifications for his arguments are not logical. In my eyes, this makes him a poor debater. I thought this was clear in my post, but I'm clarifying now.

Posted by18 hours ago

I know a lot of people would be upset for me saying this, but that is genuinely how I feel about this. I'm not saying it's okay to purposely misgender someone, but if a person look like a guy, I'm going to assume he is a guy. The same goes for women. I think it's generally pretty easy to tell the difference. Also, about sexuality, there are some people who are obviously straight, and others who obviously aren't. But if I can't tell, or don't know, is it wrong to assume they're straight? It seems most people are straight so I don't think it's wrong to initially think someone is.

Posted by5 hours ago

Before I start, I would like to say that I AM black, just to clarify things.

I do not believe in "blackface" and I do not believe in social appropriation either. To me, these are just some of those terms the internet created that never existed before in order to produce massive acceptance and recruit followers of the concept so as to be able to construct a movement around it, or just impose your points in discussions.

I, as a black woman, do not feel the least uncomfortable or even offended when I see a white person wearing box braids, afro hairstyles, and any other fashion choice that is considered "black". First, because it doesn't make me feel less than I am. White women can be beautiful in dreadlocks and so can I, I just don't see the issue there. White people can wear makeup that makes them look dark and look beautiful, as I've lost count of how many of my friends have tried to bleach their skin with cleaning supplies as kids because they wanted to look white. Can you spot the hypocrisy? Are we really trying to defend our culture or are we just insecure that the white woman will look better than us with our own styles? Second, because I don't believe in paying evil with evil. So I've seen some people bring the argument that black people have been oppressed by white people because of the way they look. Jobs have been denied, college applications, things like that. And that is absolutely true, I am not denying it. But what are we going to do about that, the same thing? Try to tell them what they can and can't wear/use because it belongs to us? That just doesn't make sense for me. People should be free to wear whatever they want. If the white man denies you a job because you have braids, look for a more acceptant boss. If society "made" you straighten your hair because you grew up being told you were not beautiful, guess what, it's 2020, and now we are trending. Telling white people they cannot have what you have now won't give you the afro back or the money you spent or the time you lost because of it. It is just pettiness, there's no protection of culture here.

Posted by4 hours ago

There's a big difference between liberals, socialists, silicon valley billionaires, democrats, leftist mass media, and communists. Yes they share many ideas but they all have different methods of implementing ideas and perspectives on how government should run. If you're on the right and you still think its ok to lump them all in the same group, then let me ask you this.

Pinochet used to be a far right dictator in Chile who fiercely believed in capitalism but also threw people he disagreed with out of a helicopter. Would it be fair when I criticize your beliefs that I just pulled in Pinochet's views whenever it made you look bad? No of course not, you might both be capitalists, but there's so much difference in how you want to implement your ideas (I hope).

Posted by4 hours ago
Take My Energy

I understand that it is often used as a joke and I'm not overly sensitive to it. However, I feel like a lot of people that use it either don't consider it a sexist joke or use it entirely unironically and seriously. Maybe there is a place for sexist humor, but it needs to be recognized as such.

I think that normalizing terms like this is dangerous. I think that people that police sensitive language and still use this term are especially hypocritical. I think that pretending that sexism against men doesn't exist contributes to sexism. I think if mainstream culture could get rid of this double standard it would be a major step in the right direction toward equality of the senses.

Of course, I'm here so I'm willing to change my mind. I plan on being civil and open-minded in the comments. I hope you will do the same :)

Finally, I do understand that I am mansplaining mansplaining. Please feel free to light me up in the comments for it.

Posted by1 day ago

Paying full price for a game on one platform should give me this ability to play on another. I am not buying a physical product, I am buying a rights to play a game that I’ve paid for. I should be able to source the game without paying for it again to play on another platform. Paying twice for me to play the same game on 2 platforms is not fair.

I can play the game twice on PlayStation for $79.99, but if I want to play once on PS and once on PC I am obliged to pay $159.98.

Windows games seem to allow cross platform licenses which I consider ethical. This should be, from a morality standpoint, the fair way.

Having to pay double to cross platform is unethical and as I result I should not feel bad for pirating said game.

-------- EDIT: VIEW CHANGED --------

Thanks to all for the discussion. Consider my view changed. This was down to the fact that I hadn't considered hosting rights on other platforms, or the fact that I may not necessarily want to pay full price for a 2nd copy but it is unethical to consider that no compensation be made for the privilege, and the fact that at the end of the day it is the right of the developer to volunteer this possibility.


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Created Jan 16, 2013

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