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Splat Search > Submit Url or Coupon Code

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Submit Your Site or Coupons

Splatsearch accepts all different kinds of sites and coupons

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Fill out the form and press submit

Submit your website for a reciprocal link


» Step 1: Add our link to your website

  If 'Submit Preview' is selected, the information provided by our spider can be edited before it is added to our database.
If 'Instant Submit' is selected, the preview page will be skipped. You may add 100 unique pages per day.


Controlling how your Web page is indexed by Splat
When you submit your URL above, our robot will visit your web site and attempt to gather the information needed such as the title, a description of the page, and relating keywords.

To allow you complete control over what is indexed, you will also have the ability to edit the information as you wish before you submit. When you are ready, just push the Submit button.

When our spider visits your web page, it will look for Meta tags in order to provide the information needed. In the absence of Metatags, our spider will attempt to create a description using the first couple of lines of the page and will create keywords based on how frequent words in your page are used.

If the topic of your page is web promotion, your Meta tags may look like this:

<META name="description" content="We specialize in the promotion of web pages.">
<META name="keywords" content="web promotion, web pages, promote, search engines">

Our robot will also look for other information such as your title tag and sometimes comments:

<TITLE>Web Promotion Experts</TITLE>
<!-- Web promotion page -->

Keep in mind that Meta tags are not required because our robot can provide information without them. You may also edit the information provided by our robot before your page is submitted for indexing.

Before submitting to Splat! Search, please read our guidelines to be sure your pages are in accordance with our rules.