Digg · Updated:

The current state of the world is, to put it mildly, not great. Coronavirus, stock crashes, elections, a weirdly winter-less winter — we could go on. And to be online is to be in the middle of it all, following an endless stream of headlines that send your cortisol levels through the roof.

But the internet can, occasionally, offer a small oasis, and Joe McKay's Zamboni simulator (or "Ice Resurfacing Machine Simulator" as he calls it, for copyright purposes) is one such oasis. Flagged by Kottke, the simulator is pretty much exactly what you'd expect — a Zamboni (driven with WASD navigation) and an ice-rink full of rough ice just begging to be smoothed out.

Go ahead, clear that ice. Turn off Twitter, close that New York Times browser tab, just focus on making everything smooth.

But maybe don't leave through the doors at the end of the rink, because that will bring your existential dread back in a hurry. You've been warned.

[Joe McKay via Kottke]

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