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The Barnacles Cafe & Dolphin Feeding at Tin Can Bay, Queensland in Australia says pods of dolphins have been leaving behind random "gifts" of flotsam and jetsam to the shore as visitors have stayed home.

"The pod has been bringing us regular gifts, showing us how much they're missing the public interaction and attention," the shop said in a post on Facebook.

According to local Aussie station News7, who spoke with dolphin expert Barry McGovern, the dolphins probably were keeping themselves entertained and not necessarily sad by the absence of people.

"In all likelihood, they probably don't miss humans per se," McGovern explained. "They probably miss a free meal and the routine."

The pod has been bringing us regular gifts, showing us how much they're missing the public interaction and attention☹️…

Posted by Barnacles Cafe & Dolphin Feeding on Monday, May 18, 2020

[Via PennLive]

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