Walk-In Care

Kids playing down stairs

Real life shouldn’t need an appointment

Do you have a minor illness or injury that should be checked today? Usually it's best to see your primary care provider, but sometimes symptoms occur at inconvenient times or you don't want to wait.

Virginia Mason provides walk-in care in Edmonds and Federal Way.

Virginia Mason Walk-In Care offers:

  • Open weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays
  • X-ray services on premises

Closing Hours

We see patients up until the closing hours posted, but if the current patient volume and wait times extend beyond closing hours, we may not be able to take additional patients. If the wait times extend beyond our closing hour when you arrive, we will do our best to help provide you with a referral for the care you need.

Walk-in care is appropriate for minor conditions such as sprains, burns, cuts, earaches, fevers, coughs or any condition that needs prompt attention. It is not a substitute for emergency care.

Wait Times

Patients are seen in the order they arrive with some exceptions for more emergent medical issues. If there is a wait time, we will provide you all available options to best facilitate your needs.

For any life-threatening accidents or injuries, call 911 or visit the closest Emergency Department.