
Last week on OpenGlobalRights: bad faith, effective campaigning and climate protectors

Over the last week OpenGlobalRights authors debated what makes an effective campaign, the Achilles’ heel of the European Court of Human Rights and launched a series on climate change and human rights.

The OGR Editorial Team
1 November 2017

Over the last week on OpenGlobalRights, Cosette Creamer and her colleagues discussed what ingredients make for an effective human rights campaign. Sergei Golubok then argued that the rampant bad faith in the European Court of Human Rights has destroyed that organization’s credibility. Finally Katharina Rall launched our climate series by outlining how important it is to include the protection of environmental rights defenders in climate talks. And, Alice Thomas discusses the effects of climate change on children’s rights.

The new series will continue with pieces Leah Davidson on the effects of climate change on children’s rights and the importance of intergenerational commitments. After that, Eniko Horvath and Christen Dobson will weigh in by asserting that “clean” energy must include a clean bill of human rights. Finally, at the end of the week, Hwei Mian Lim will discuss how climate change puts women’s sexual and reproductive rights at risk.

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