» Terraform Plugin SDK v2 Upgrade Guide

Version 2.0.0 of the Terraform Plugin SDK is a major release and includes some changes that you will need to consider when upgrading. This guide is meant to help you with that process, and only focuses on upgrades from version 1.13.1 to version 2.0.0.

Most of the changes outlined in this guide have been previously marked as deprecated in the GoDoc comments for the functions involved in previous releases. These changes, such as deprecation notices, can always be found in the CHANGELOG.

Upgrade topics:

» Dropped Support for Terraform 0.11 and Below

As part of the ongoing deprecation of Terraform 0.11, version 2.0.0 of the Terraform Plugin SDK can only be used to build providers with support for Terraform 0.12 and higher.

It is recommended, but not required, that providers that have not already dropped support for 0.11 issue a major version bump when upgrading to version 2 of the SDK, to indicate this dropped support.

» Version 2 of the Module

As part of the breaking changes, the Terraform Plugin SDK Go module has been upgraded to v2. This involves changing import paths from github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk to github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2. This can be automated using the tf-sdk-migrator v2upgrade command.

» A New Acceptance Testing Driver

In version 1.7.0 of the Terraform Plugin SDK, we enabled an optional binary acceptance test driver. This driver improves upon the old driver, which was based on an approximated version of Terraform reproduced in the SDK, by using a production binary of the Terraform CLI to drive the provider. This allows easier testing against multiple versions of Terraform and provides more accurate test results.

Version 2 of the SDK makes this driver the default and only acceptance test driver. It also modifies the test driver to run the provider in the same process as the test code, which enables use of debuggers and more accurate results from the Go test coverage and race detection tooling.

As part of this upgrade, support for listing providers other than the provider under test in helper/resource.TestCase.Providers or helper/resource.TestCase.ProviderFactories was lost. Providers that rely on other providers in their tests should add provider blocks to their test code, which will result in production versions of those providers being located in the provider cache on the local filesystem, or downloaded, as part of the normal operation of terraform init.

As part of this upgrade, changes to Terraform’s CLI were also required. This means that running the tests for a provider requires version 0.12.26 or higher of the Terraform CLI.

» More Support for context.Context

To obtain more reliable timeouts and cancellation in provider code, context.Context has been plumbed throughout the Terraform Plugin SDK. In some cases, this was done in a backwards-compatible way; for example, the helper/schema.CreateFunc, helper/schema.UpdateFunc, helper/schema.ReadFunc, and helper/schema.DeleteFunc types all got context-aware versions (helper/schema.CreateContextFunc, helper/schema.UpdateContextFunc, helper/schema.ReadContextFunc, helper/schema.DeleteContextFunc, respectively). The old versions are now deprecated, and we recommend you upgrade to the context-aware versions to get their improvements, but the old versions will continue working for now. Upgrading involves changing your function signature from func(*helper/schema.ResourceData, interface{}) error to func(context.Context, *helper/schema.ResourceData, interface{}) diag.Diagnostics. (We’ll talk about diag.Diagnostics in the next section.)

Not everything could have this backwards compatibility, however; some functions require the context.Context to be added now. Attempting to compile will list which of these affect your provider, but most people will see them in helper/schema.CustomizeDiffFunc and helper/schema.StateUpgradeFunc. All that needs to be done is adding a context.Context as the first parameter to these functions; it doesn’t need to be used or referenced.

» Support for Diagnostics

A number of new functions have been added that return a diag.Diagnostics type. This type can be used to return multiple errors and warnings to Terraform, and to associate those errors or warnings with specific fields. The functions supporting diagnostics are:

This exposes diagnostics support when creating, reading, updating, deleting, and validating your resources.

func Create(ctx context.Context, *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {
    // do some stuff
    if err != nil {
        // this is the standard way to convert a Go error to Diagnostics
        return diag.FromErr(err)

    // Warning or Errors can be collected in a slice type
    var diags diag.Diagnostics

    // Diagnostics supports warnings, a detailed message
    // as well as linking to a specific attribute
    // see github.com/hashicorp/go-cty for learning the Path types
    if somethingThatRequiresWarning {
        diags = append(diags, diag.Diagnostic{
            Severity: diag.Warning,
            Summary: "Warning level message",
            Detail: "This is a warning, a very detailed one",
            AttributePath: cty.Path{cty.GetAttrStep{Name: "foo"}},

    // let’s return an error with the above warning
    // another helper exists to format errors
    if err != nil {
        diags = append(diags, diag.Errorf("unexpected: %s", err)...)
    return diags

» Support for Resource-Level and Field-Level Descriptions

The helper/schema.Resource and helper/schema.Schema types both now have Description properties that accept strings. These properties are laying the groundwork for future improvements to Terraform, and will have no visible effect to the Terraform CLI at the moment. If you’d like to build in support for your provider starting now, it’s recommended that you set these properties to whatever you’d document the resource or field as in your terraform.io docs for the resource.

You can globally set the format of the text in these fields by setting the global variable helper/schema.DescriptionKind. Its acceptable values are helper/schema.StringPlain (plain text, the default) or helper/schema.StringMarkdown (markdown formatting).

» New Diagnostics-Enabled Map Validators

The new helper/validation.MapKeyLenBetween validator function validates that all the keys in a map have lengths within a specified range, and will use diagnostics to indicate precisely which keys are not.

The new helper/validation.MapValueLenBetween validator function validates that all the values in a map have lengths within a specified range, and will use diagnostics to indicate precisely which values are not.

The new helper/validation.MapKeyMatch validator function validates that all the keys in a map match a regular expression, and will use diagnostics to indicate precisely which keys do not.

The new helper/validation.MapValueMatch validator function validates that all the values in a map match a regular expression, and will use diagnostics to indicate precisely which values do not.

» Support for Debuggable Provider Binaries

It is now possible to publish providers that can have debuggers like delve attached to them. To debug these providers, three things must be done:

First, Terraform 0.12.26 or higher must be used when debugging.

Second, the provider must modify its main function to optionally start a debuggable server. We recommend the following approach:

func main() {
    var debugMode bool

    flag.BoolVar(&debugMode, "debuggable", false, "set to true to run the provider with support for debuggers like delve")

    if debugMode {
        err := plugin.Debug(context.Background(), "registry.terraform.io/namespace/provider",
                ProviderFunc: myprovider.Provider,
        if err != nil {
    } else {
            ProviderFunc: myprovider.Provider})

The registry.terraform.io/namespace/provider string above should be set to a provider address. For Terraform 0.12, this should be registry.terraform.io/-/your-provider-name, where your-provider-name is what is declared in the provider block in your HCL. For Terraform 0.13 and above, this should be whatever you set as your provider source. For example, the random provider would use registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/random. myprovider.Provider should be the function that returns a *helper/schema.Provider that serves as an entry point for your provider.

Third, the provider must be started by delve, and Terraform must be told how to connect to it. Providers using plugin.Debug will output instructions on how to tell Terraform how to connect.

» Support for Provider Metadata

A new feature, provider metadata, is landing in Terraform 0.13. This feature allows module authors and providers to share information through Terraform configs that will get passed to the provider with every resource. It is not intended for wide use, and usage of it should be coordinated with the Terraform Core team by opening an issue so your use case can be understood and support for it can be maintained as this feature evolves over time.

» Louder helper/schema.ResourceData.Set Errors in Testing

Previously, using the TF_SCHEMA_PANIC_ON_ERROR environment variable would cause errors returned from calls to helper/schema.ResourceData.Set to elevate into panics. This environment variable is now removed, and its behavior is enabled on all tests. Calls to helper/schema.ResourceData.Set that would return an error in production contexts continue to return errors.

» More Consistent Usage of github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface

Previously, a number of our exported functions and methods in the helper/resource, helper/schema, and helper/validation packages relied on either Go’s built-in testing package or the SDK’s helper/resource/testing package. We have standardized around the github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface module instead. Changes required to accommodate this standardization should be caught at compile time, and should be fixed by updating the import.

» Corrected Results of helper/acctest.RandIntRange

The helper/acctest.RandIntRange function was previously buggy. It would return an integer between 0 and the difference between the arguments, not an integer between the arguments. It has been corrected to return an integer between the arguments. Any usage reliant on the old, buggy behavior should be updated.

» Clearer Handling of nil for helper/resource.NonRetryableError and helper/resource.RetryableError

Previously, passing a nil error to helper/resource.RetryableError and helper/resource.NonRetryableError could lead to subtle bugs and even crashes. It will now return an error. Providers should check that the error is not nil before calling helper/resource.NonRetryableError or helper/resource.RetryableError.

» More Robust Handling of helper/schema.TypeSet Hashes

Generated hashes for helper/schema.TypeSet fields used to be collapsed if all the sub-fields had Computed set to true. This behavior was an error, and has been remedied. Providers that relied on the old behavior should be updated to use the new behavior. Almost all providers will require no changes.

» Stronger Validation for helper/schema.Schema.Computed Fields

Fields with the Computed property of their helper/schema.Schema set to true and the Optional property set to false now return an error if other properties that are only applicable to fields that can be modified are set. These fields include:

These properties should never be set on fields that don’t accept user input, as they are meaningless and their behavior is undefined in those situations.

» More Robust Validation of helper/schema.TypeMap Elems

Using a *helper/schema.Resource as the value of the Elem property for a *helper/schema.Schema previously yielded unspecified and likely confusing behavior, and was unsupported. It now returns an error.

» More Robust Validation of helper/resource.TestCheckResourceAttrPair

Comparing the same field on the same resource with helper/resource.TestCheckResourceAttrPair will now return an error, as that comparison will always pass and is indicative of an implementation error.

» More Robust Validation of Test Sweepers

Previously, when a sweeper had a dependency on another sweeper that doesn’t exist, the SDK would log a warning, which was easy to miss. Now an explicit error will be returned, to make the implementation error easier to spot and fix.

» Deprecation of helper/schema.ExistsFunc

The helper/schema.ExistsFunc (usually set as the Exists property on helper/schema.Resource) is now deprecated. It duplicated functionality that could be achieved in Read, and often led to the same behavior being written twice. Providers should check for Not Found responses in Read, and call helper/schema.ResourceData.SetId(“”) and return no errors if a Not Found response is encountered, instead.

» Deprecation of helper/schema.SchemaValidateFunc

The helper/schema.SchemaValidateFunc type and the properties that use it, including helper/schema.Schema.ValidateFunc, are now deprecated in favor of helper/schema.SchemaValidateDiagFunc, which gains awareness for diagnostics, allowing more accurate errors to be returned.

The helper/validation helper functions will have helper/schema.SchemaValidateDiagFunc equivalents of the validation functions added in a future release to ease the transition. Until that point, a wrapper can be used that wraps the warnings and errors returned from helper/schema.SchemaValidateFunc in a diag.Diagnostics.

» Removal of helper/mutexkv Package

The helper/mutexkv package provided convenience helpers for managing concurrency, but is not specifically related to Terraform plugin development, so it has been removed. We also saw many misuses of the package: providers using constant strings as keys (which can be replaced by just using a mutex), or overcomplicating locking when a more simplistic approach would have the same performance characteristics.

Providers that need the functionality provided by the helper/mutexkv package are encouraged to copy the types and functions it provided into their own codebase, provided here under a public domain license:

// MutexKV is a simple key/value store for arbitrary mutexes. It can be used to
// serialize changes across arbitrary collaborators that share knowledge of the
// keys they must serialize on.
// The initial use case is to let aws_security_group_rule resources serialize
// their access to individual security groups based on SG ID.
type MutexKV struct {
    lock  sync.Mutex
    store map[string]*sync.Mutex

// Locks the mutex for the given key. Caller is responsible for calling Unlock
// for the same key
func (m *MutexKV) Lock(key string) {
    log.Printf("[DEBUG] Locking %q", key)
    log.Printf("[DEBUG] Locked %q", key)

// Unlock the mutex for the given key. Caller must have called Lock for the same key first
func (m *MutexKV) Unlock(key string) {
    log.Printf("[DEBUG] Unlocking %q", key)
    log.Printf("[DEBUG] Unlocked %q", key)

// Returns a mutex for the given key, no guarantee of its lock status
func (m *MutexKV) get(key string) *sync.Mutex {
    defer m.lock.Unlock()
    mutex, ok := m.store[key]
    if !ok {
        mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
        m.store[key] = mutex
    return mutex

// Returns a properly initalized MutexKV
func NewMutexKV() *MutexKV {
    return &MutexKV{
        store: make(map[string]*sync.Mutex),

» Removal of helper/pathorcontents Package

The helper/pathorcontents package provided convenience helpers for working with file paths or the contents of files interchangeably, but is not specifically related to Terraform plugin development, so it has been removed. Overuse of file contents in Terraform state can also lead to problems: there are size limitations, for example, binary data can cause problems when stored in state, and in some cases it is an anti-pattern to store file contents in state. Providers that need this functionality are encouraged to copy the function the package provided into their own codebase, provided here under a public domain license:

// If the argument is a path, Read loads it and returns the contents,
// otherwise the argument is assumed to be the desired contents and is simply
// returned.
// The boolean second return value can be called `wasPath` - it indicates if a
// path was detected and a file loaded.
func Read(poc string) (string, bool, error) {
    if len(poc) == 0 {
        return poc, false, nil

    path := poc
    if path[0] == '~' {
        var err error
        path, err = homedir.Expand(path)
        if err != nil {
            return path, true, err

    if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
        contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
        if err != nil {
            return string(contents), true, err
        return string(contents), true, nil

    return poc, false, nil

» Removal of httpclient Package

The httpclient provided a function to return a User-Agent string. Providers are encouraged to construct User-Agent strings to suit their needs, as they know best how to represent their provider to their APIs. Providers wishing to replicate the User-Agent string used in version 1 can use the following code:

fmt.Sprintf("HashiCorp Terraform/%s (+https://www.terraform.io) Terraform Plugin SDK/%s", version, meta.SDKVersionString())

Where version is the version of Terraform driving the plugin, available from helper/schema.Provider.TerraformVersion, and meta is the meta package in the Plugin SDK.

For providers that don’t need compatibility with the old User-Agent string, the recommendation is to use the new helper/schema.Provider.UserAgent method, which will return a recommended User-Agent string when giving the provider name and version. We recommend injecting provider versions at build time.

» Removal of helper/hashcode Package

The helper/hashcode package was a loose wrapper around functionality included in the standard library. It shouldn’t be necessary for most providers; providers are encouraged to reexamine their usage of it as part of the upgrade to v2 of the SDK, and only use it if necessary. Providers that still find the helper/hashcode package necessary are encouraged to copy its functionality, provided here under a public domain license, into their own codebase:

// String hashes a string to a unique hashcode.
// crc32 returns a uint32, but for our use we need
// and non negative integer. Here we cast to an integer
// and invert it if the result is negative.
func String(s string) int {
    v := int(crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(s)))
    if v >= 0 {
        return v
    if -v >= 0 {
        return -v
    // v == MinInt
    return 0

// Strings hashes a list of strings to a unique hashcode.
func Strings(strings []string) string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer

    for _, s := range strings {
        buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s-", s))

    return fmt.Sprintf("%d", String(buf.String()))

» Removal of the acctest Package

The binary acceptance test driver used to require the provider to call acctest.UseBinaryDriver in the TestMain function of the provider. This is no longer required, which makes the acctest package no longer necessary. Code utilising it can be safely deleted.

» Removal of the terraform.ResourceProvider Interface

The terraform.ResourceProvider interface has been removed. The concrete *helper/schema.Provider type should be used in its place. For most providers, this will involve changing the returned type of the Provider() function, and removing some type assertions; all necessary changes should be raised at compile time.

» Removal of the helper/schema.Provider.StopContext method

The helper/schema.Provider.StopContext method has been removed as its implementation has been reconfigured. Use helper/schema.StopContext, passing a context.Context originating from the context-aware helper/schema.ConfigureContextFunc instead.

» Removal of helper/schema.ResourceData.SetPartial

The helper/schema.ResourceData.SetPartial method was deprecated and has been removed. This method used to allow setting certain fields in state when helper/schema.ResourceData.Partial was set to true, but developers weren't clear under which circumstances that needed to happen.

This method should never need to be used. helper/schema.ResourceData.Partial should be set to true before returning an error if the error should prevent any state from being part of the config being automatically persisted in state. For most providers, this doesn't matter, as the refresh step will take care of setting the state to what it should be.

See issue #476 for more information.

» Removal of the helper/schema.Provider.MetaReset property

The helper/schema.Provider.MetaReset property allowed providers to set a function that would be called during testing to reset the meta associated with the provider. This function was never actually called, and so the property has been removed.

» Removal of Deprecated Validation Functions

The following helper/validation functions have been renamed, and the deprecated aliases have been removed:

» Removal of helper/schema.Schema.PromoteSingle

The PromotSingle property of *helper/schema.Schema is a discouraged pattern and no longer valid after Terraform 0.12, and has been removed.

» Removal of helper/schema.ResourceData.UnsafeSetFieldRaw

The helper/schema.ResourceData.UnsafeSetFieldRaw method is a discouraged pattern that no longer functions after Terraform 0.12, and so the method has been removed.

» Removal of helper/schema.Resource.Refresh

The helper/schema.Resource.Refresh function was used in Terraform 0.11 and below, and is no longer needed. No providers should have been calling this function. Any that were, please open an issue on the SDK to help us understand your use case so we can recommend a path forward.

» Removal of helper/schema.Schema.Removed

The Removed property of helper/schema.Schema, used to provide a friendly error message when a field has been removed after its deprecation period, behaved unexpectedly in tests and other situations. It has been removed. The recommendation is now to delete the field after the deprecation period, and let Terraform’s built-in error messaging indicate its removal.

» Removal of helper/encryption Package

The helper/encryption package supports an anti-pattern that is now discouraged, so it has been removed. Providers relying on it should see the documentation on that pattern and select an alternative approach.

» Removal of Discouraged Variables, Functions, Types, and Interfaces

The following variables, functions, types, and interfaces were part of the public API for the SDK, but were never intended for consumption by providers. They have all been removed. Any providers using them should open an issue detailing their use case, and we can help find a path forward.