Fuji Xerox Case Study

As Australia’s leading multi-channel communications provider, Fuji Xerox offer services which help companies big and small deliver their message and services to the right audience, at the right time in the most efficient manner possible. These services include Digital Communications, Customer Contact Solutions, Business Process Outsourcing and Targeted Media Solutions. Fuji Xerox has numerous offices across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia through which it provides these services.

A considerable amount of Fuji Xerox’s work however, is carried out by contract staff; allowing the company to adjust staffing schedules in a flexible manner, as required by their current workflow. But with flexible staff scheduling arises the problem of finding qualified staff on time, in the first place.

ASA have provided Fuji Xerox with comprehensive staffing solutions since 1998, recognising their need for flexibility and skilled, enthusiastic individuals whom fit their culture of high employee engagement. When Fuji Xerox acquired the contract from AEC, ASA was called upon to supply competent skilled staff on short notice. The ASA Team stood up to the challenge of supplying 350+ skilled staff, and as a result we have the confidence of AEC and Fuji Xerox and received a testimonial:

“The recent AEC Scanning Project has been very challenging for us. Flexibility, high quality operators and adherence to security requirements were demanded during this period and we would not have been able to achieve these without the services of your company and excellent staff. We are very grateful for the way that you, Tua and your people assisted us to finish the job on time and gain the confidence of the AEC.” – Mark Bongiorno, General Manger Fuji Xerox VIC & NT



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