N95 and Other Respirators

N95 and Other Respirators
Updated Sept. 16, 2020
Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)
Woman wearing a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR)

A PAPR is an air-purifying respirator that can be used to protect healthcare personnel (HCP) who may be exposed to aerosolized pathogens causing acute respiratory infections.

Learn strategies to optimize supplies of PAPRs when supply is limited.

Optimize PAPR Supplies
Elastomeric Respirators
elastomeric respirators

Reusable elastomeric respirators can be considered as an alternative for augmenting the total supply of respirators available for use by HCP.

Learn strategies to optimize supplies of elastomeric respirators when supply is limited.

Optimize Elastomeric Respirator Supplies