Aging Resources of Central Iowa supports the health and well-being of older adults in central Iowa through Older Americans Act (OAA) nutrition programs including congregate meals, home-delivered meals, nutrition education, and nutrition counseling. In addition to programs supported by OAA funding, Aging Resources partners with other funders and community supporters to provide many other nutrition and healthy living resources. Please click the pictures below to learn more about different ways Aging Resources can assist with living a healthy lifestyle. To learn more about the Older Americans Act, please click here.

Congregate Meals

Delicious, healthy meals served daily in your community.

Home-Delivered Meals

Hot, nutritious meals delivered to your doorstep.

Nutrition Counseling

Meet one-on-one with our Licensed, Registered Dietitian.

Nutrition Education

Discover ways to take control of your diet and your health.

Fresh Conversations

Food, fellowship, and fun happening monthly at a location near you.

Farmers Market Nutrition Programs

Receive checks you can use to buy fresh produce at Iowa farmers markets.

Holiday Meals on Wheels

Special meals delivered on Thanksgiving & Christmas.

Nutrition Assistance

Find ways to purchase and prepare nutritious meals on a budget.