פתיחת תמונת הפרופיל
לחץ כאן כדי עקובn_rothschild
Nathalie Rothschild
Print & broadcast journalist. Producer/reporter, Sveriges Radio - Sweden’s national radio. Bylines in Foreign Policy, WSJ, Slate + more. Some tweets in Swedish.
Stockholmnathalierothschild.comהצטרף ב-אפריל 2011

הציוצים של Nathalie Rothschild

in Sari in northern Iran, a woman dances and throws her headscarf in fire amid cheers and chants of "We're all in this together." #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی
ציטוט ציוץ
Cette vidéo a été tournée ce soir à Sari (nord).Une fille danse, ses longs cheveux lâchés. Elle jette son foulard dans le feu. #Iran est le théâtre de manifestations depuis la mort de #Mahsa_Amini. Arrêtée par la police du hijab, elle est morte pendant sa garde à vue le 16sep.
סרטון מוטבע
339.5K צפיות
הצג שרשור זה
80 years ago, on July 16 and 17, 1942, French police rounded up 13,152 Jews—including 4,115 children—and held them at a Paris stadium, Vel' d'Hiv. After five days, they were transported to internment camps and then to Auschwitz for mass murder. May their memory be a blessing.
Boris Johnson. Ukraina. Och utbudet i kioskerna på Friends Arena. Studio Ett i P1 ringde mig om tweeten nedan idag. Tack för bra snack, och robotrösten på Stockholm Live. Här kan ni som missade lyssna: sverigesradio.se/artikel/dyrt-i 🖤💛
ציטוט ציוץ
Min sexåring köpte en liten popcorn och en mugg vanligt, stilla vatten på Friends Arena idag. Det kostade 102:-.
ציטוט ציוץ
Everyone at spiked is deeply saddened to hear about the death of Helene Guldberg. spiked would not exist were it not for Helene. She was one of our founders and our first managing editor. She was a brilliant and tenacious writer and thinker and a true believer in freedom. RIP.