Follow & compare stocks

You can get real-time stock quotes, charts, and financial news with Google Finance.

Follow stocks

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a stock, like "Google stock."
  3. Under the stock name, tap or click Follow. If you don't see "Follow," tap or click the Star Star.

See stocks you’re following

  1. Go to
  2. Tap or click Your stocks.
  3. Under "Your Stocks," see the stocks you follow.

Compare stocks

  1. Go to
  2. Search for a stock.
  3. Tap or click Compare.
  4. In the search box below, enter another stock. Or pick a stock from the "Related stocks" list.

Stop following stocks

  1. Go to
  2. Tap or click Your stocks.
  3. Under the stock you want to stop following, tap or click Following.

Import or download your portfolio

As of January 2018, Portfolios are no longer available. For a limited time, if you had a portfolio, you can import it to the new Google Finance or download it.

If you had fewer than 50 stocks in your portfolio, you automatically follow them all in the new Google Finance.

Import your portfolio

  1. Go to
  2. Tap or click Your stocks.
  3. Next to "Your stocks," tap or click Add from Portfolios and then Follow portfolio stocks.
  4. Next to each stock you want to follow, tap or click the box.
  5. At the top right, tap or click Follow.
  6. Return to and tap or click Reload Refresh.

Download your portfolio

  1. Go to
  2. Tap or click Your stocks.
  3. Next to "Your stocks," tap or click Add from Portfolios and then Download portfolios.
  4. Tap or click Spreadsheets.
  5. Your portfolio downloads as a CSV file.
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