Countries where you can use a phone with Meet

Dial in, add guests, and use your phone in a video meeting

All Google Workspace editions include a U.S. phone number. G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G Suite Enterprise for Education, Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus also support international numbers in Meet video meetings. Regular call charges apply. 

Important: This feature is currently available only for meetings organized through a Google Workspace account.

When you create a video meeting with Google Meet, dial-in numbers might be available if your administrator allows using a phone to call in to video meetings.

Find the number to dial in

To see the list of numbers, open Meet or the event in Google Calendar and click More phone numbers or More joining options. Calendar and Meet use your timezone settings in Calendar and location to recommend a dial-in number.

Supported countries for dialing in

If your country is not listed below, you’ll see a number for an alternate country. Regular call charges apply. List subject to change.

Supported countries for dialing in
Argentina Denmark Israel Portugal
Australia Dominican Republic Italy Puerto Rico
Austria El Salvador Japan Romania
Belgium Estonia Kenya Serbia
Brazil Finland Latvia Slovakia
Bulgaria France Lithuania Slovenia
Cambodia Georgia Luxembourg South Africa
Canada Germany Malta Spain
Chile Greece Mexico Sweden
Colombia Grenada Netherlands Switzerland
Costa Rica Guatemala New Zealand Thailand
Croatia Hong Kong Nicaragua Trinidad & Tobago
Curaçao Hungary Norway Turkey*
Cyprus* Iceland Peru United Kingdom
Czech Republic Ireland Poland United States

*Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, and G Suite Enterprise for Education.

Supported countries for adding guests by phone

If you’re in the same organization as the meeting organizer and located in a supported country, you can add people to a Google Meet video meeting directly by having Meet call them once you are in the meeting.

Currently, Meet can only call numbers in the U.S. or Canada. For example, the organizer can be in Chile and only call numbers that have country code +1. You are not charged for outgoing calls, but regular call charges might apply for the recipient.

Supported countries for adding guests by phone
Supported countries for adding guests by phone
Argentina Finland Lithuania Romania
Australia France Luxembourg Serbia
Austria Georgia Malaysia Singapore
Bahrain Germany Malta Slovakia
Belarus Ghana Mauritius Slovenia
Belgium Greece Moldova South Africa
Belize Guatemala Nepal Spain
Bolivia Haiti Netherlands Sri Lanka
Botswana Honduras New Zealand Sweden
Brazil Hong Kong Nicaragua Switzerland
Bulgaria Hungary Nigeria Taiwan
Canada Iceland Norway Trinidad and Tobago
Chile Ireland Oman Turkey
Colombia Iraq Pakistan Ukraine
Croatia Israel Panama United Kingdom
Cyprus Italy Papua New Guinea United States
Czechia India Paraguay Uruguay
Denmark Jamaica Philippines Uzbekistan
Dominican Republic Japan Poland Venezuela
Ecuador Kazakhstan Portugal Vietnam
El Salvador Kuwait Puerto Rico  
Estonia Latvia Qatar  

Supported countries for using a phone for audio in a meeting

To speak and listen using your phone while still viewing the video meeting on your computer, you can dial in to the call from your phone or have Google Meet call your phone.

If you’re in the same organization as the meeting organizer, you can join by phone before the meeting starts. If you’re not in the same organization, you can join once you’re admitted to the meeting.

To dial in to a video meeting and use your phone for audio, the countries are the same as the supported countries for dialing in. For calling yourself from Meet to use your phone for audio (dial-out), you can only call a U.S. or Canada (+1 country code) phone number.

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