Import login data from a file

To use this new feature, please update Firefox if you don't have the latest version.

Firefox lets you import login information from a .csv (comma separated values) file. This feature is available starting in Firefox version 80.

You can also import other data, such as browsing history and saved passwords from another browser.

Note: Firefox does not save or sync login data from another browser or file unless you choose to import it. This data is stored locally in a readable form on your computer by the other browser.

Import file format

The .csv file to be imported should follow this structure: "url","username","password","httpRealm","formActionOrigin","guid","timeCreated","timeLastUsed","timePasswordChanged"

This should be the default format when you export login data from another browser or from an export from Firefox.

Import usernames and passwords from a file

  1. Click on the menu button fx57menu to open the menu panel.
  2. Click Logins and Passwords. The Firefox Lockwise about:logins page will open in a new tab.
  3. Click the Firefox Lockwise menu (three dots), then click Import from a File….
  4. Select the .csv file from your device to import.
  5. Your logins will be added/updated in Firefox Lockwise.
Note: If you don't see Import from a File… in the Firefox Lockwise menu, it means the feature is disabled. To enable it, go to the Firefox Configuration Editor (about:config page), find the preference and toggle it to true.

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