Stand out from the crowd and become a Preferred Freelancer

Join the Preferred Freelancer Program today to get access to exclusive projects and make your profile stand out as one of the best.

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Exclusive invitations

Preferred Freelancers get personal invites every day from our team of Recruiters to bid on their top projects.

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Higher value projects

Get access to the projects with the biggest budgets on the site! On average, Preferred Freelancers win 50% of all completed projects over $2000.

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Say goodbye to upfront charges

Preferred Freelancers enjoy a preferential fee payment plan, only paying commission fees on Recruiter projects once milestones are released.

Take your career to the next level

The Preferred Freelancer Program gives Freelancers the help they need to embrace a more rewarding, full time freelancing career. Read more about some of their amazing stories.

Better communication between managers and freelancers

Grow your earnings within the first 6 months

Preferred Freelancers earn an average of $1000 extra over their first 6 months in the Program, and have exclusive access to bid on over 100 projects every day.

Updates on your project straight to your inbox

Quality projects, exclusive to Preferred Freelancers

From developing an app for a startup to designing a new identity for a business, Recruiter projects are some of the best projects on the site from our top employers.

Better Projects

Easy to apply

Applying for the Program is completely free and takes just a couple of minutes of your time. Check to see if you're eligible today!

1. Check your scores

Instantly check if your profile meets the requirements to join the program.

2. Tell us about you

We want to know more about our top freelancers. Tell us about your work, your clients and your expectations for the future.

3. Take the induction

Learn more about the Program, including best practice tips and what we expect of you as one of the best freelancers.

4. Ready to go

All setted? Ready? Go! Don't forget to share your experience with us on our blog!