How it works

How it works Biblical basis Qualifications Spiritual support

How it works

CHM is a membership-based, nonprofit ministry through which hundreds of thousands of Christians voluntarily share to pay each other’s medical bills. Choose from one of three programs—Gold, Silver, or Bronze—and add the optional Brother’s Keeper program to protect against catastrophic medical bills.

Members who incur medical costs eligible according to our Guidelines submit their bills to CHM along with a few simple forms. Bills are then shared or reimbursed—usually by way of a check in the mail.

For Maryland residents only: Learn additional information regarding CHM membership for Maryland residents here.

Biblical basis

Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) is a nonprofit health cost sharing ministry through which Christians voluntarily share each other’s medical bills. It is not an insurance company. CHM is based on Galatians 6:2 (“Carry each other’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ”) and on the actions of the New Testament church found in Acts 2 and 4. More about CHM

Qualifications for joining

To be CHM members, participating adults must be Christians living by biblical principles, including abstaining from the use of tobacco and the illegal use of drugs (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), following biblical teaching on the use of alcohol, and attending group worship regularly if health permits (Hebrews 10:25). There are no restrictions based on age, weight, geographic location or health history. More information

Spiritual support

Christian Healthcare Ministries is the Body of Christ reaching out to each other in times of need, even though most members don’t know each other personally. CHM helps members interact with each other by listing prayer requests in the monthly  Heartfelt Magazine and Member Gift Form statement. Members also can post prayer requests and encourage each other using the CHM Facebook page. Many members use this information to send each other cards of encouragement. In addition, CHM staff prays for each prayer request individually, corporately, and often by phone when members call. View our list of Bible verses about healing.

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