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The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is a non-partisan institution focusing on national security and foreign policy.

Washington DC
Joined July 2009


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  1. Retweeted
    15 hours ago

    My FDD's Long War Journal article that broke the news on al-Qassam Brigades engineer with American citizenship who was killed in an Israeli military operation was cited in an news story.

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  2. 4 hours ago

    Every time uses innocent civilians to shield its weapons and fighters from lawful attack, it commits a war crime, a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention:

  3. 6 hours ago

    Certain Gulf states’ silence on ’s violence is particularly puzzling given their mutual animosities:

  4. 6 hours ago

    In light of COVID-19 and “profound changes unforeseen in a century,” Xi realized that China need not choose between overthrowing international order and being a part of it. In his mind, the system can serve as both a sword and shield for China’s interests:

  5. 7 hours ago

    In order to check the Iranian problem off its “to-do list,” the administration continues to offer concessions to get to resume compliance with the , the deal’s fatal flaws and ’s ongoing nuclear extortion notwithstanding:

  6. 8 hours ago

    The Resistance Axis hoped to shatter the Abraham Accords. But pragmatic Arab leaders know that and the Muslim Brotherhood ( is the Palestinian branch) pose as great a threat to them as to Israelis:

  7. Retweeted

    continues negotiating a return to the amid Israeli fears of a nuclear . 'The deal, even if resurrected, will fast expire,' says senior fellow Behnam Ben Taleblu.

  8. 8 hours ago

    has long used its support of the Palestinian cause as a way to champion its bid to lead the Muslim world and compete with the likes of and :

  9. 10 hours ago

    , , and other members of the “Resistance Axis” can take satisfaction from having sparked violence between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs (or Israeli Palestinians) at a time when they had been developing increasingly productive relations:

  10. 10 hours ago
  11. 11 hours ago

    NEW policy brief from : Continues to Extort the

  12. 12 hours ago

    .'s weekly column in : For Israelis, one more battle in a forever war for survival "The alternative would be another Holocaust."

  13. 13 hours ago

    Talks in are ongoing, but the end result looks clear: another victory for the clerical regime in , and another bad deal for the United States, , and other American allies:

  14. 15 hours ago

    The killing of Osama and his father suggests that may have sent militants to study in foreign education institutions to bolster its military capabilities:

  15. 16 hours ago

    Diplomatic ties between the UAE and Bahrain with are facing their most severe test yet. Gulf states' refusal to condemn , not to mention the terrorist group’s sponsors in , shows more work is needed to strengthen this nascent alliance.

  16. 17 hours ago

    The founding father of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah , established his revolutionary regime on anti- footing from the very beginning, calling upon Iranians and Muslim nations to work together towards Israel’s destruction:

  17. 18 hours ago

    Having avoided consequences for ’s COVID-19 cover-up, Xi now believes that ’s malign behavior has become so normalized that it is nearly indiscernible from that of the international order:

  18. May 25

    FDD's Jacob Nagel in : and Biden administration after

  19. May 25

    The United States is preparing to repeat its past mistakes as the administration and negotiate a return to the flawed 2015 nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ():

  20. Retweeted
    May 24

    Smart nonpartisan insight cutting through the noise by


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