Post Made Community Wiki by blackgreen
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You can also use the following to delete the remote branch.

git push --delete origin serverfix

Which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but it may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch.

git push --delete origin serverfix

Which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but it may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch

git push --delete origin serverfix

Which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but it may be easier to remember.

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Peter Mortensen
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You can also use the following to delete the remote branch.

git push --delete origin serverfix

whichWhich does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but it may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch

git push --delete origin serverfix

which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch.

git push --delete origin serverfix

Which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but it may be easier to remember.

Bounty Ended with 200 reputation awarded by CommunityBot
Bounty Ended with 100 reputation awarded by CommunityBot
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You can also use the following to delete the remote branch

git push origin --delete origin serverfix

which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch

git push origin --delete serverfix

which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but may be easier to remember.

You can also use the following to delete the remote branch

git push --delete origin serverfix

which does the same thing as

git push origin :serverfix

but may be easier to remember.

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