Contribution of ESI Funds to the Commission's priorities: Jobs, Growth and Investment

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Available languages : Bulgarian German English Spanish French Italian Romanian
Period : 2014-2020
Date : 14/12/2015

For the 2014-2020 programming period, EUR 454 billion has been allocated to the ESI Funds to kick-start growth and job creation. Adding to this figure national co-financing, which is expected to reach some EUR 183 billion, the total investment will amount to at least EUR 637 billion. Using this budget, the ESI Funds are the EU’s main investment instruments.

ESI Funds are used to boost jobs, growth and investment across Europe, while focusing on the least developed areas and sectors with growth potential. Over the next eight years, the ESI Funds will deliver a critical mass of investments in key areas, and are expected to make a significant positive impact to creating jobs and growing the EU’s economy.

More information :

Open Data Platform for ESI Funds
