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“We got there, and there was a big bow and arrow cocked on the table, facing the door. Ezra was lying facedown on the floor.” From Iceland to Vermont to Hawaii, those close to Ezra Miller recount disturbing scenes from the actor’s chaotic past two years.
“God didn’t give me these talents and looks to just sit around being a model or being famous," Alexis Neiers told VF. "I want to lead a country, for all I know.” From the #VFArchive: Nancy Jo Sales investigation into the Bling Ring.
"I never woke up and thought, I really want to live a bold life. I just can't do the other. It's the same as I can't make a casserole. I cannot sit still." From the #VFArchive: How Angelina Jolie embraces the unexpected—and defies expectations.
Chanel assembled the buzziest young names in Hollywood for a Parisian-themed fête on one of tinseltown’s oldest back lots. See more from inside the event:
Maggie Rogers and Phoebe Bridgers posing together. Photograph by Pat Martin.
A collage of photos from left to right: Ciara Bravo, Chloe Zhao, and Whitney Peak pose inside the event; a view of one of the tables underneath a glittering ceiling. Photographs by Pat Martin.
Maggie Rogers and Karen O dance as Yeah Yeah Yeahs perform. Photograph by Pat Martin.
"She knew who she was, she knew who I was, and she knew what to do." From the #VFArchive: Photographer Lawrence Schiller recalls his 'Life' magazine shoot with Marilyn Monroe—and their tense encounter the day before she died.
"There was something chilling about how cold Mrs. Bundy was. In many ways, she talked like Ted." The psychiatrist who interviewed Ted Bundy in his last hours helps reconstruct the formative—and familial—roots of a serial killer. #VFArchive