HyperStudio & Tessellations with Glide Reflections

Suzanne Alejandre

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It is possible to use HyperStudio to create tessellations in color from figures generated by reflections and translations [which would be a glide reflection], and then translate them.
Figure 1 (colored triangle)

Step One

Using the line tool, draw a triangle. Fill the triangle with your favorite color.


Step Two

Using the lasso, start at the top corner of the triangle, wiggle around as you are going down and exit the lower, left-hand corner of the triangle. A section of the triangle will be selected.


Step Three

Use the "marching ants" tool to select the section, go to "edit" in the menu, and select "flip upside down." The section will be reflected.


Step Four

Use the lasso and slide the section to the right. [This is a translation.]
Optional: Use the pencil or paint brush (with a contrasting color selected) to decorate the figure. Do not add anything to the outer edges of the silhouette.


Step Five

Use the lasso and position the figure up higher on the card. Hold option, slide the copied figure to the side.


Step Six

To get a contrasting color, go to "Options" in the menu and select "Replace Colors". A window will appear. Select the colors to exchange, click on OK and you will have a contrasting figure.


Step Seven

Using the lasso, hold "option" down and "copy" by sliding one darker figure to the side. Lasso the lighter figure, hold "option" down, slide a light figure off and fit it into position up against the dark figure.

When you have one row of light figures and another row of dark figures, select the dark figures, go to "edit," and "flip upside down". Fit the dark row of figures into the light row of figures. Continue this procedure until you have created a tessellation. Hint: If they do not fit perfectly, review Steps 1 - 8 and try again.

Step Eight - HyperStudio Tessellation

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