HyperStudio & Tessellations with Rotations

Suzanne Alejandre

HyperStudio Tips || HyperStudio Tessellations || Tessellations with Reflections || Where's the Math?

It is possible to use HyperStudio to create tessellations from figures generated by rotations, connect them, and then translate them.

Figure 1 (color squiggle)

Step One

Using the pencil tool, the paint brush tool, or another favorite drawing tool, draw a squiggle. It helps if one end looks different from the other.


Step Two

Use the "marching ants" to select the squiggle. As the squiggle is blinking, hold the option key and slide and drag to make a copy of the squiggle. With the second squiggle selected (and blinking), go to "edit" in the menu and select "scale and rotate".


Step Three

Type 90 (in the box indicating the number of degrees to be rotated). Click on "OK".


Step Four

The squiggle will rotate 90 degrees to the right.


Step Five

Select the second (rotated) squiggle and, again holding the option key, drag from it to make a third squiggle. Go to "edit" in the menu, select "scale and rotate", type 90 in the box, and click on OK, and the squiggle will rotate another 90 degrees to the right. (This will be a 180-degree rotation from the first squiggle.)


Step Six

Repeat the process one more time.


Step Seven

Draw in a point as a reference for rotation. Position each squiggle so that they all connect at the reference point. Now you should have 4 squiggles.


Step Eight

Each squiggle has been rotated 90 degrees
to the right of the other.


Step Nine

Now it is time to put them together to create a tessellation. Use the lasso, select the design, hold the "option" key and the "shift" key, and drag to the left.


Step Ten

After making one line, select all of the designs and, while holding "option" and "shift," drag them down and carefully position them underneath.

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