Flu Shot Clinics
Manage all of your prescriptions
in one convenient place.
Sign up to access free online pharmacy services.
  • Refill multiple prescriptions at once
  • Set up auto refills and reminders
  • Generate medical expense reports
  • Track order status and view history
Refill a Walmart Prescription
Refill any Walmart prescription with a few simple steps‚ and pick up at any Walmart pharmacy or have it shipped to your home for FREE.
Transfer prescriptions from another pharmacy
Transfer a prescription from any pharmacy. You will be able to pick up your prescription from any Walmart store or have it shipped to you.
Fill a new prescription
Easily fill your new prescriptions by dropping them off‚ calling them in or having your doctor call them in.
Manage Your Prescriptions at Walmart

You can manage all of your prescriptions in one convenient place – Walmart. Just sign up above to access our free online pharmacy services. It's the easy way to refill multiple prescriptions that you can pick up at any Walmart pharmacy or have shipped directly to your home for free. You can set up automatic refills and reminders for your prescriptions. Take advantage of convenient medical expense reports and track your order status, as well as your prescription history, too. You can also transfer prescriptions from another pharmacy to Walmart and have us fill your new prescriptions. So sign up now and manage all of your prescriptions at Walmart to save money and live better.