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Who we are

Projektbesuch in BangladeschCO-OPERAID is a non-profit, politically and confessionally independent, humanitarian Swiss association with its headquarters in Zurich. The association was founded in 1981, has been recognised by the Canton of Zurich as a charitable organisation, and is tax-exempt. Since 1998 the association has carried the ZEWO seal of approval for charitable organisations.

CO-OPERAID is committed to the child's right to education, one of the fundamental rights of the international Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our projects are designed to create future prospects for children and youth from poor families through education. The projects are implemented in close collaboration with local aid organisations in a current total of five countries in Africa and Asia (Uganda, Kenya, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos). The general aim is basic education of good quality for all children (equal access to quality education) and the promotion of secondary and vocational education. At the same time the economic situation of the children’s and young people’s families is improved through livelihood support (income generation).

CO-OPERAID’s activities in Switzerland are carried out by a professional administrative office and volunteers. Our projects are planned medium- to long-term in according partnerships. The projects include verifiable, qualitative and quantitative objectives (monitoring based on logframes).
