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Posted by3 years ago
Gold2SilverLawyer UpHyggeSafe & Social

"Men are like keys and women are like locks. A lock that can be opened by different keys isn’t worth anything, but a key that can open many locks is." This analogy is horrible and I'm sad it's still repeated. What do you say to this?

For those who have had this said to their face or in discussion around the double standards men and women deal with wrt sex, what did you say?

Edit: No one is asking for an explanation of the analogy. It's understood. No one needs a mansplainer, thanks. It's a sexist comparison.

Edit 2: Some seem really fixated on the use of the informal term "mansplain." Does the definition need to be explained to you or are you just offended because it's something you've been told you do/have done?"

Edit 3: A fellow redditor shared something about "mansplain" that got me thinking:

I'm not saying what the term describes doesn't happen. I'm saying the term shouldn't be used Like imagine if when you got overemotional a guy was like "she's just on her period". Like it's true that it happens. It might be true that that is part of the cause in that exact moment. But he still shouldn't have said it. Similarly it might be partly due to the guy's gender that he's being condescending. And you should call him out for that. Just- not using the term "mansplain"

Thank you to that individual explaining. lol

Final edit: Thank you for the discussion and the variety of responses. I did not think this post would get much traffic beyond maybe a dozen or so folks commenting, but think the general result has been some constructive conversation. Hope you all are healthy and safe as we approach another month of the Pandemic!TM Thank you for the gildings and awards. Also, thank you to that one dude who PM'd me and told me I'm a whore. You're a treasure.

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level 1
· 3 yr. ago
Gold3Ignite!2Bless UpSilverToasty at Home

I saw this online in response to that quote:

"Except we're talking about people and not keys and locks? A pencil sharpener that sharpens all kinds of pencils is a good pencil sharpener. A pencil that lets itself be sharpened by too many sharpeners has to be thrown away. See? We can make any fucking analogy about genitals if we want to."

level 2

Hijacking top comment to add my country's version:

"An ear cleaned by several Q-tips is a clean ear ; a Q-tip which has been in several different ears is fucking disgusting".

level 2

" A pencil that lets itself be sharpened by too many sharpeners has to be thrown away" - the same is actually true for keys. I had a locksmith make a new key for the door to our basement because the old one was so worn down it wouldn't open the lock anymore. The lock - which might well be in use since the mid 19th century - is fine...

level 2

Yeah, it's a gross analogy...

But also in today's digital age, we have electronic locks that are opened by lots of different keys (keycards) and they are incredibly useful. You can easily determine which keys you allow, and change your mind and stop allowing certain keys at any time...

level 2

I agree with you, It's not the reasoning for the bias its just a way they explain how their bias works. They dont know that they were taught to hate women, they're just attempting to teach you, what they learned.

level 2

Not to mention that pencil gets smaller and becomes a useless nub

level 2

Bees pollinate many flowers

Flowers are pollinated by many bees.

This is good for the bees and the flowers. Now GTFO with your monogamist purity bullshit. It ain’t natural.

level 2

This is an American thing right? Not heard this in the UK and I'm getting on a bit.

It sounds like bullshit to me, crafted by a mouth breather.

level 2
Comment removed by moderator · 3 yr. ago
level 2

That's perfect! And a great point about why analogies are just a way for someone to change the nature of the argument/conversation. I really dislike analogy.

level 2

I would give you all the gold I have for this gem, sadly, I have none.

level 2

Also don't forget a pencil that's too short cannot be sharpened by any sharpener.


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level 1

I've had this said to me before, I just responded with "I think we need to stop comparing inanimate objects to real human beings, no wonder nobody wants to fuxk you"

level 2
· 3 yr. ago

Here's my favorite reply: Okay, so, men who enjoy a lot of sex are awesome but women who enjoy a lot of sex are bad. I'm not really clear on how this maths out. Who are men supposed to be fucking? Each other?

That usually shuts them right up.


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Created Jul 16, 2009



