
gildings in this subreddit have paid for 52.05 years of server time

I’ve decided. Fuck cigs by 1of1000 in pics

[–]skwadyboy 14.8k points14.8k points 2 (0 children)

There's kids in africa that could have smoked them.

Trump as superman by 337pI in pics

[–]TinyWightSpider 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Billionaire president, married to a model.

Hoes mad.

I’ve decided. Fuck cigs by 1of1000 in pics

[–]BobbitTheDog 812 points813 points  (0 children)

Good decision, and I hope you are able to stick with it - for your sake, your loved ones, and society as a whole! It'll be hard, but 10 years down the line you'll think "thank God I quit, huh?"

One thing: beware of telling people, and posting things like this, and getting praise/validation. When you're trying to develop, or quit, a habit, getting praise from people for just trying, such as this picture, or when you tell people and they say "congrats!" gives you a reward feeling that can actually be counter-productive sometimes.

It can trick your brain into thinking "I've already done good! Well done me!" Which can make it harder to stick with it. Getting the reward hormones for simply saying you're going to quit makes it harder to actually quit.

But just being aware of that effect can cut it down! And then the added pressure of people knowing and expecting you to quit can kick in and help you to quit.

Also, you should actively do something each day that reinforces the habit, and congratulate yourself for doing so. Rewarding yourself for not smoking will help your brain build the new habit / break down the old one.

It's harder for something passive, like not doing something because... When do you reward yourself? It can be good to have some kind of calendar, or other tracker, for "X days without smoking", and then give yourself a reward every time you rock a day off. Even something small like a little chocolate, your brain will start to associate "not smoking" with good feelings. Which will help counter the bad feelings that quitting smoking can give you.

What Mike Schultz looked like after battling COVID-19 for 6 weeks in the hospital by jcepiano in pics

[–]ggfftwenty 73 points74 points  (0 children)

I’m an icu nurse, so I’d consider myself extremely qualified to answer this question! Lol. Patients who are intubated (unconscious, sedated with a breathing tube) will most of the time have catheters to measure urinate output, correct. Some patients have rectal tubes that collect the stool, but they can only be used if the poop is liquidy enough (and most of the time they leak anyways). Otherwise, you just check every few hours and if there’s poop, you get another nurse, lay the patient flat, and roll them like a log from side to side and clean them up and change their sheets. You have to be very careful because the patient is likely booked up to a ventilator, a feeding tube, and a central line/peripheral IVs with many drips running. Most ICUs don’t use briefs (diapers) because they lead to skin breakdown. I end up cleaning poop for each of my two patients between 1 and 3 times a shift on average, but it can be way more. And even if the patient doesn’t poop, we do full bed baths and change the sheets by rolling the patient side to side every night anyways. It can be a very difficult process, especially if the patient has lots of lines or is heavy. It can even be dangerous if the patient is very unstable. But it has to be done, and you get used to it since we do it many times a shift! That’s probably waaaaay more than you wanted to know lol but I felt very qualified to answer!

Chinese man abducted as toddler 32 years ago reunited with mother by mick-io in pics

[–]strikkeislandhast 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Your attitude sickens me. I'm glad you survived though. Even though you're a crappy person, your life still has value.

I am young and not well off. I am in a high risk group. People staying at home are showing empathy and caring for people like me, for the old and sick, for the cashiers and other workers who do not have a choice, for the nurses and doctors and other healthcare workers who have to risk themselves and watch people die alone. I deeply appreciate what is being done to protect myself and all of the other people who are at risk. I deeply appreciate the sacrifices (and in some cases, unwilling martyrdom) made by people who keep us healthy and keep our stores and roads and world open and running.

I am glad that you survived, but I hope that you can look deeply inside and think about the privilege you have that lets you shrug this off and say others should die. I hope you learn some compassion and caring from those who are staying home. I hope you can imagine the chilling fear and terror I, and other vulnerable people, feel when someone so casually says that our lives don't matter, and that in fact, our deaths would not be a problem - that our deaths might even be a good thing.

Those who tried to teach you to be kind are disappointed in you today. I hope you can do better tomorrow.

Chinese man abducted as toddler 32 years ago reunited with mother by mick-io in pics

[–]TheCutGlassBowl 448 points449 points  (0 children)

Lol more like divine blackmail... “I have taken your son, unless you can find the whereabouts of 29 missing children you will never see him again.”

Chinese man abducted as toddler 32 years ago reunited with mother by mick-io in pics

[–]casterly55 122 points123 points  (0 children)


I thought I was hard for growing up poor, in the projects, in NY, exposed to drugs and almost daily fights and shootingsAnd having worked in the Times Square area, I thought I had already knew all the tricks in the book, scammers, hustlers, pickpockets.

(EDIT: ok i made growing up in the projects sound like a cake walk... yeah no it wasn't. it's definitely not as racist or violent in Europe/China. i would be afraid for my life growing up in terms of getting shot... but in other places, it's a different kind of fear for children, i guess..)

When I was in China.. ho man. Hell, even Europe made NY seem like a cake walk.

I would get hustled left and right. I'd come back to the house (my mom's friend's family was hosting us) with my shopping. I'd tell them how I got all these incredible fake Supreme/Nike shit that were GREAT quality for only like 2 dollars. (it was some like 13 year old kid who sold it to me). And that I would bring em back to NY and hustle it off. They laughed at me and said "yeah.. locals could get those for like 10 cents"

And yeah.. I also encountered these kids who were begging. There's a Chinese phrase that describes them, like "street hustle gang organization" or something.. I forget the chinese term for it. It's not just China.. happens in most of South-East/South Asia. Kids coming up to hustle you, and next thing you know, you either A) gave them money, B) they took all your money.. and then you feel bad you didn't give them more. It's fucked.

Hell, fucking gypsy kids in Italy picked my pocket and I wasn't even mad. I had my guard down for a SECOND and I had a kid with dirt all over his face and thin as hell come up to me.. crying and shit. I knew something was up.. but then he was crying pretty bad and it was heartbreaking... felt bad for HALF A MILLISECOND and BAM... 3 other kids come up and tug at my hands.. and then everyone dispersed in like another half a second.

I check my pocket and my wallet was gone.

Wasn't even mad. Just.. impressed. Felt a slight bump on my pocket for a millisecond.. I'm really vigilant about this shit too. But again, wasn't even mad.. they could probably use the cash more than me.

It's fucked up out there.

Meanwhile, we got grown ass obese motherfuckers here talking about wearing a mask is like the Holocaust. People here can get fucked.

I was adopted 22 years ago. This is the first picture with my older sister. by blackmachine312 in pics

[–]blackmachine312[S] 2131 points2132 points  (0 children)

I always knew. You're black and the rest of your family is white. The child is going to notice something is going on sooner or later.

Hobbiton, New Zealand by TheRosaryIsles in pics

[–]Fenrils 174 points175 points  (0 children)

I can be your reviewer that isn't cheesy af if you want. Promise I'm not a paid reviewer.

I went to Hobbiton in September, last year. It had been on my bucket list since they made the place and I was thrilled to be able to do it. It was worth going for me but I can tell you right now that it isn't worth your time and money unless you're a LotR nut.

The positives of the experience included a gorgeous countryside, being able to walk through the Shire on a 30-40 minute tour, plenty of time for pictures, and a nice beer in the Green Dragon at the end of it. I wasn't able to do the feast, unfortunately, but I imagine it would be of similar quality, both good and bad.

The negatives are important to consider for anyone who isn't big on LotR. The first one is that it requires you go to Rotorua. The town is alright but outside of the hot springs, there isn't much to do besides go to Hobbiton. There is a duck tour and some back country stuff but it ain't a big town (it only took me about 1.5 hrs to walk from one end of it to the other). Hobbiton itself is about an hour bus ride from the town for most tours, so the entire thing is going to take up half your day for just 30-40 minutes of walking around. As for Hobbiton itself, unless you get super lucky it's gonna be packed with people. The tour was still nice but it's staggered pretty carefully and you only have so much time to take pictures. It is also a 100% guided tour so there's no exploring or independence, you just have someone telling you everything inside of your group of 30-40 people. Hobbiton is gorgeous but since you aren't independent and the insides of the houses do not exist (I assumed this before going, but figured I'd point it out here), it can all seem quite artificial to non-fans. The end of the tour leaves you at the Green Dragon for a free beer and then the gift shop for overpriced nicknacks.

So basically, to a big fan who has always wanted to visit Middle Earth, it's a 9/10 experience that you should do if you ever go to NZ. If you're just a curious tourist or something else with no significant investment in LotR, you'll be disappointed and are better off going somewhere else. NZ is an incredible country and you can easily spend weeks exploring it.

Lmk if you have any questions though, happy to answer.

Hobbiton, New Zealand by TheRosaryIsles in pics

[–]Choppergold 1549 points1550 points  (0 children)

Must have been a short ceremony