Book Proposal Guidelines

Please email us a proposal which follows the guidelines below. At this stage we only want 4-5 pages: we’ll ask for sample chapters or clarification if we need it.

1. Working title of the book. Please supply a couple suggestions for the title of your book.
2. Name of the author(s)/editor(s)
3. Contact details for all the author(s)/editor(s):postal address and email address.
4. Please supply a 100-200 word author blurb, including relevant book publications and your present job.
5. Purpose, aims and focus of the book. This is your main opportunity to persuade us to commission your book, so please be clear about what is unique/interesting/innovative about your manuscript.
6. Chapter by chapter breakdown of the contents, including a paragraph or two summarising the contents of each chapter. If your book is an edited collection, please include abstracts and author details for each chapter.
7. Clear indication of the market and intended readership. If students or teachers form part of your intended readership, please indicate what aspects of your book will particularly interest them, and which courses the book would be relevant to if applicable.
8. Other competing titles for this market and why this is different/better.
9. Please suggest which of our series you think your book will fit into. Please be aware that we may suggest an alternative if we think it is more appropriate.
10. Predicted length in number of words (a page estimate isn’t any use to us).
11. Would the manuscript have many illustrations/tables/special typesetting requirements? If so, please give details.
12. Predicted timetable for delivery of the final manuscript.
13. Have you, or do you intend to, send the proposal for consideration to any other publishers? If this is the case, it is extremely important that we are informed.
14. Do you have open access funding for publishing your work? Would you like us to quote for producing your book in open access?

Please send your proposal as follows:

For books in the following Multilingual Matters series:
Bilingual Education & Bilingualism
Communication Disorders Across Languages
Critical Language and Literacy Studies
Language At Work
Language, Education and Diversity
Language, Mobility and Institutions
Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
MM Textbooks
Multilingual Matters
New Perspectives on Language & Education
New Writing Viewpoints
Parents' and Teachers' Guides
Researching Multilingually
Second Language Acquisition
Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation
Translanguaging in Theory and Practice
Translation, Interpreting and Social Justice in a Globalised World
Writing Without Borders
send your proposal to: Anna Roderick

For books in the following Multilingual Matters series: 
Early Language Learning in School Contexts
Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching
send your proposal to: Laura Longworth

For books in the following Multilingual Matters series: 
Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights
send your proposal to: Tommi Grover

For books in the Channel View Publications series: 
Aspects of Tourism
Aspects of Tourism Texts 
Tourism and Cultural Change
Tourism Essentials
The Future of Tourism
send your proposal to: Sarah Williams 

You can also download a copy of our proposal guidelines here