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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    23. Jan.
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    vor 9 Stunden

    In the 1990s many entertainment labels took heat for risque material and basically told Congress to buzz off, saying if you don't like something don't listen. The firms in charge today are hyper cautious and they happen to have monopolies over expression. This is a bad combo.

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  3. vor 7 Stunden

    That didn’t take long. Here’s the big apology for a ginned-up controversy; the appeal to “user safety”; the $100 million as atonement. The same dynamic plays out at that we’ve seen in so many sense-making companies.

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  4. hat retweetet
    vor 8 Stunden

    You should definitely follow and , who are doing good work documenting some of the persistent problems in San Francisco.

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  5. hat retweetet

    Not trolling. I honestly don’t understand why the US is participating in an Olympics taking place in a country with one million Muslims in concentration camps. I’m not at all trolling, I just don’t know the justification. It seems bizarre.

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  6. vor 12 Stunden
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    I love . When he had me on his show, I remember feeling kinda sick at the start, when he dove right into the hardest questions — about my family’s protests at soldier’s funerals. But he was graceful, funny, curious, and a wonderful host. That’s why people listen to him.

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  8. 6. Feb.
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    5. Feb.

    Everything in 's tweet is still completely true. Millions of people still watch and trust Joe Rogan, while Jim can't even attract an audience equal to a mid-sized YouTuber despite being on CNN prime-time with a giant corporation backing and promoting him.

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  10. hat retweetet
    5. Feb.

    Seems like we're on a path where we're going to have two of everything, depending on one's political ideology: segregated websites, financial systems, even charitable giving, the result of systematically banning non-liberals. Seems like that leads to a bad and dark place.

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  11. hat retweetet
    4. Feb.
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  12. 4. Feb.
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  13. 4. Feb.

    "The leaders of the BLM movement have come up with incredible ways to use all the money those kind and hopeful people gave them. Did they share it all with the families of people killed unjustly by police? Oh god no. They bought an awesome party house."

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  14. 4. Feb.

    The great Canadian trucker revolt; Jeff Zucker; Whoopi Goldberg and other protests, time-outs and resignations this week on TGIF with :

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  15. 3. Feb.
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    "I've been hopeful that, if enough of the freethinkers could be nudged out of the shadows, the culture would change." Rock on , we're with you. 🪕

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  17. hat retweetet
    3. Feb.
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  18. 3. Feb.
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  19. hat retweetet
    3. Feb.

    It's great to see people leaving Spotify for Amazon.

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  20. hat retweetet
    3. Feb.

    It was so much fun doing this podcast with ! Our conversation made me realize things I'd never thought about before.

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  21. 3. Feb.

    But in 2022, something resembling bottom-up authoritarianism has become the norm. Or perhaps one could call it lateral censorship. It’s artists shutting down other artists—or trying to. Read my friend :

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