
We are committed to the upliftment of our local communities.

The Group is committed to a developing long-term and positive relationship with the local communities. Tharisa Minerals has set up an engagement forum that liaises with the local community steering committee. The Group has constructed new homes in order to house approximately 822 families, provided infrastructure such as roads, water and sanitation and has engaged with the Rustenburg Municipality for the proclamation of a formal township under which the community members will be granted legal ownership of the land that they occupy and utilities such as electricity, water and sewerage will be provided. The houses and related infrastructure are a significant improvement on the previous housing and infrastructure that they occupied.

The Group has established the Tharisa Community Trust, which owns 6% of Tharisa Minerals, for the benefit of the community in which the Tharisa Mine is located. The object of the Community Trust is to achieve the social upliftment and economic empowerment of the Beneficiaries.

School Food Forest

Tharisa Minerals started a Food Forest at the Retief Primary School in September 2013. The school serves the communities of Mmaditilhokwa and the surroundings. The programme allows for a better education by:

  • Enhancing children’s active learning capacity;
  • Alleviating short term hunger; and
  • Addressing certain micro nutrient deficiencies.

The programme is aimed at empowering the local community to grow their own fruit and vegetables and to provide food to the school children. The Food Forest is managed by community volunteers. The programme is aligned with the Integrated Food Security Strategy for South Africa and the National School Nutrition Programme Tharisa Minerals was awarded a Chrome Industry Environmental Award for the School Food Forest from the ICDA.

ICDA Award