Better mental health in the workplace – Getting Started Pack

You’ve made the decision to commit to improving the mental health of your workplace and you’re ready to make a start.

Because every organisation is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a mentally healthy workplace. You’ll need to think about what will work for you and develop a plan that reflects your aims.

To assist you with this process we’ve developed a range of resources and communications templates.

Using the pack

Wherever you are on your journey to improving the mental health of your workplace, this pack is designed to be a key resource for communicating with your team, whether they're managers or front-line employees. Involving staff in the design of the strategy and communicating clearly and often with them on initiatives and progress, is key to creating the change you are seeking in your organisation. 

All elements of the pack can play a role, however, you may not need to use every component and you may want to adjust the wording in some places. That’s fine. Our aim is to provide you with a suite of resources that support you in improving workplace mental health. How many or how few of the resources you use is up to you. 

What’s in the pack?

Communications templates                                                                          

Introduction email template to managers (Word doc)

It’s essential that the whole organisation is supportive of the plan to improve mental health in your workplace. Managers play a key role as the people who have the most day-to-day interaction with staff and can influence their work situations directly. To keep managers committed and engaged in the plan they should be communicated with regularly and ahead of any ‘all staff’ communications. 

Introduction email template to employees (Word doc)

After developing an approach to implementing a mental health at work plan, it will be important to communicate with staff about how that strategy will be developed and how individually they can play a role. An email, or use of other communication channels, is a great way to outline the plan moving forward.

Speaking notes for staff presentations (Word doc)

A staff presentation is a powerful acknowledgement of the organisation’s commitment to improving mental health in your workplace particularly if staff are spoken to about the organisation’s reasons for doing it and plan for achieving it.

Key workplace mental health messages (Word doc)

The purpose of this document is to describe Beyond Blue’s key messages regarding mental health in the workplace. These messages can help guide content and resource development, organisation engagement, advocacy, internal communications and awareness raising.

Communication to recruit Workplace Champions (Word doc)

Recruiting Workplace Champions to advocate for good mental health within your workplace and assist with developing and imbedding your approach can be very valuable. This document can be used for that recruitment process.

Communication on the role of Workplace Champions (Word doc)

Once you have identified who the champions might be, it will be worthwhile to communicate with them and explain how they might perform their role (this is dealt with also in the recruitment communications above). We recommend that while Workplace Champions should be encouraged to show initiative, they need to be consistent with the direction of the overall program and with the knowledge of the program leaders.


Downloadable and printed publications            

You can download our resources below or order printed resources through our online Heads Up catalogue.                                      

Looking after your mental health at work

A handy wallet card that has tips for managers and employees for staying mentally healthy.

Taking care of your mental health – A guide for employees 

More comprehensive than the wallet card but an easy to read 16 page guide to help employees stay mentally healthy.                       

Creating a mentally health workplace – A guide for managers

This booklet helps managers play a key role in creating a mentally healthy work environment for their employees.

Developing a workplace mental health strategy: A how-to guide for organisations

This 56 page guide provides a practical step-by-step approach to developing and implementing a tailored mental health and wellbeing strategy.